To use this program, users should : see the folder "exp". [1] prepare the "input.txt" file (the instruction is in "input_instruction.txt"). [2] compile and run the program in the same path with the "input.txt" file. [3] Analysis mode : 1-original Newmark approach; 2-Newmark-Predictor-Corrector approach. [4] The displacement and velocity of the mass point is recorded in "output_Newmark.txt" and "output_NPC.txt" file within the same folder.
The Newmark-Predictor-Corrector(NPC) time integration approach was added for SDOF problem. The original Newmark time integration approach was added for SDOF problem.
A journal paper can be founded as a reference for the application of the modified predictor-corrector solution approach for discontinuous computation problem: Zheng, F., Leung, Y. F., Zhu, J. B., & Jiao, Y. Y. (2018). Modified predictor‐corrector solution approach for efficient discontinuous deformation analysis of jointed rock masses. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.
To get more information, you can contact Dr. Fei Zheng by e-mail: