This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of BETDQNet, which leverages a combination of Bellman error (BE) and Temporal Difference (TD) error to prioritize experience samples during training. The two error types are dynamically weighted through a gradient-based optimization mechanism, with the aim of first encouraging exploration and then shifting towards exploitation.
- Priority Sampling: BETDQNet utilizes prioritized replay memory, giving higher priority to samples with larger TD and BE errors.
- Dynamic Weight Adjustment: The weights for TD and BE errors are dynamically adjusted during training.
- Exploration and Exploitation: The agent starts with a focus on exploration and gradually shifts toward exploitation as training progresses.
- CartPole-v0 Environment: The implementation is compatible with the CartPole-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym, though it can be extended to other environments.
To run the code, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch
- OpenAI Gym
- NumPy
You can install the dependencies using the following command:
pip install torch gym numpy
The Q-network used in BETDQNet is a simple feedforward neural network for the OpenAI Gym environments and a CNN for the MinAtar experiments. It outputs Q-values for each action in the given state space.
Each sample added to the replay memory is accompanied by its weighted error score, combining the TD error and BE error, controlled by the weights w1
and w2
The training process follows an epsilon-greedy exploration strategy.
Weights assigned to TD error (w1
) and BE error (w2
) are adjusted through gradient-based optimization at each episode.
To train the BETDQNet agent, simply run the provided script. The agent is configured to train on the CartPole-v0 environment.
The script runs for a total of 250 episodes by default, though this can be adjusted in the EPISODES
The codes provided in this repository support the research findings detailed in the following paper:
Hassani, Hossein, Soodeh Nikan, and Abdallah Shami. "Improved Exploration–Exploitation Trade-Off through Adaptive Prioritized Experience Replay." Neurocomputing 614 (2025): 128836.
Please cite this paper if you use this repository in your research.
The PER memory used in this implementation is based on rlcode/per.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.