A Python application that bridges Fabric prompts with Espanso by managing and converting prompts through a vector database.
- Store and manage Fabric prompts in a Qdrant vector database
- Convert stored prompts into Espanso YAML format for system-wide usage
- Semantic search functionality to find relevant prompts based on their meaning
- Web interface for easy interaction with the prompt database
- Python 3.11
- Qdrant vector database server (local or cloud)
- Obsidian with MeshAI plugin installed
- Windows (for PowerShell script) or Linux/WSL for direct execution
- Install Obsidian and the MeshAI plugin
- In Obsidian, create the following folder structure:
Extra/ └── FabricPatterns/ ├── Official/ # For downloaded Fabric patterns └── Own/ # For your custom additions
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using PDM:
pdm install
- Configure your Qdrant server connection in the application settings
Run the Streamlit application directly:
Create a PowerShell script with the following content to start the application:
# Start WSL process without showing window
$startInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$startInfo.Filename = "wsl.exe"
# Use -c flag to let the command use the WSL2 Ubuntu folder system and not the Windows
$startInfo.Arguments = "bash -c ~/Tools/pythagora-core/workspace/fabrics_processor/src/search_qdrant/run_streamlit.sh"
$startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$startInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$startInfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Hidden
$startInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
# Start the process
try {
$process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($startInfo)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Check if Streamlit is actually running
$streamlitRunning = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName localhost -Port 8501 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if ($streamlitRunning.TcpTestSucceeded) {
Start-Process "msedge.exe" "--app=http://localhost:8501"
} else {
Write-Error "Failed to start Streamlit application"
} catch {
Write-Error "Error starting Streamlit: $_"
This script will:
- Start the Streamlit server if it's not already running
- Open the application in Microsoft Edge in app mode
- Automatically handle server startup and connection
- ipykernel >= 6.29.5
- markdown >= 3.7
- pyyaml >= 6.0.2
- qdrant-client >= 1.12.1
- fastembed >= 0.4.2
- streamlit >= 1.41.1
- pyperclip >= 1.9.0
- regex >= 2024.11.6
This project is licensed under the MIT License.