Relating to batch processing.
Defects or errors in the code.
Relating to command line interfaces
Relating to configuration files or their framework.
For issues with package dependencies.
Relating to in-code documentation.
Relating to ReadMEs / gitbook / vignettes / etc.
This issue or pull request already exists.
Request for improvement or addition of new feature(s).
Concerns the Python core.
Concerns the parameter inference framework.
Relating to installation / upgrade / migration.
Relating to CI / issue templates / testing frameworks / etc.
Marks a PR as a target to include in the next release.
Refers to specific epi modeling objectives or scenario modeling goals.
Performance related improvements, either runtime or memory.
Relating to plotting and/or visualizations.
Concern the post-processing.
There is an outstanding question about this issue.
Relating to the flepicommon R package.
Relating to the R configuration package.
Relating to the R inference package.
Concerns the seeding framework.
Concerns the submission framework.
This will not be worked on.