Version 1.0
Author: Tzoop Ilya (
Created as a part of university project. Used for debugging python programs.
- Installed "bytecode" module
- Installed "PyQT5" module
- Installed "qscintilla" module
- Console version:
- GUI version:
Help: ./ --help
Launch example: ./ testProgramsToDebug/
command list
— Show list of commandsNumber of command "COMMAND" in command list
— Launch "COMMAND"
Help: Ctrl + I
- All information is located on the help page.
This python debugger uses bytecode module to insert debug function on every line. In other words, we call debug control function before we execute the current line code. Then we use different python modules to get information about stacktrace, code context, etc...
Supports debugging from imported modules (custom import mechanic is used).
GUI uses PyQT5 as main engine, and Qscintilla for code editor widget.