Group Name : Game Science | Le Hung - ITCSIU22271 | Le Hoai Bao - ITCSIU22259 | Nguyen Minh Tuan - ITCSIU22298 |
Idea: Having been inspired by the works of a youtuber and coder name ryoSnow, we joined hands to make a platform game where our character travel in different levels of the subterranean maze to hunt some monsters, collect items and defeat boss to win the game.
- Lê Hưng: code Character, Monsters, Maps, Objects, Debugging some errors after completion, Draw UML, writing the report...
- Le Hoai Bao: code Game techniques(GamePanel, Main,… ),implement Dialogue box, Sounds, Objects, Drawing the new characters, weapons, writing the report...
- Nguyen Minh Tuan: in charge of coding NPC, Collision, Objects, Make Slides for presentation...
The 2D Adventure Game:
- The Flow:
In Forbidden Dark Maze , there are five levels of the subterranean shunning grounds for Players to travels with the difficulty upward through each level.
a) Controlling System:
- To play this game, we always use four main push buttons: W to go up, A to turn left, S to move down, and D to turn right and Enter to attack the monsters or interact with the NPCs, button Pause for using shield, button F to unleash a magical fire ball upon the enemies. Player can also stop the play temporarily by pressing P. Some other manipulations are C, X and M which are often used to open the setting and turn off the menu, open/close minimap and see full screen of the game, respectively.
b) The items:
- There are several items that are created for users to obtain and make it simpler to slay the bear and the monster on map two.They are oak wood shield, health potion, rusty sword, speed up potion and man potion,...
c) The quests:
- After clicking "New game" to begin the game or "quit" to end it. The "New game" will cause the application to take you to the first map, which represents the first level of the "Forbidden Dark Maze game". The user should control our main character to move and roam around, defeat monsters and find way to the nect levels. There will be an NPC Dungeon keeper name Magis guiding the character during the journey. However, in order to collect things, our character should have to run away and fight from the monsters as well as buy some objects to level up its skill. Once the character successfully kills the sufficient amount of monsters he will collect enough coin to buy things which can be used in next maps. The level of monsters will also increase gradually until the last boss we have to face in the fifth floor, the great Lyuborg, players will need a lot of items, potions and well preparation to beat this hardest challenge of the game.
- Game Design:
The game's scene:
- Manages the visual representation of the player character .
- Handles sprite animations for different directions and attack actions .
- Implements visual effects such as invincibility .
The Characters and Objects:
- Made up and designed meticulously by our team, using Piskel and 8bit Painter.
- The characters have their own role to interact with player.
- The game flow was arranged reasonably to lead the player.
The sound and music:
- Variable, set the tones of the play during the adventure .
- Other:
- Show the github project page:
- The report:
- The Presentation Slides:
- UML Diagram: