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Brain Human

Clifford Bohm edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

When the update() method is called, the program waits for a response from a user. In essence the user sees the inputs that a brain sees and provides the outputs.

raw input vs. Action Map

raw input
the user provides a value for every output node. The output must be provided in order, but if a partial output is provided then any remaining nodes will be assigned 0 (i.e. if the brain delivers 4 outputs but the user only provided 2 (say 0 1) then Human Brain would fill in the other to (the output would be 0 1 0 0).
Action Map
An action map can be used to define actions and associated these actions with a character. The action map is written in a file which is defined in a settings file.
Here is an action map for BerryWorld:
w 1 1 0 moveForward
a 1 0 0 turnLeft
d 0 1 0 turnRight
s 0 0 1 eat

###World Testing A Human Brain combined with a world that has a good in line visualizer makes worlds easy to debug.

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