Load settings file into python
refactor little bit the settings json
get the root exe of the active window or app
instead of lettings new Qtimers get created everytime, just stop and start them, it will save time and CPU
add frosty glass behind pie menus, and lock mouse to that region to receive mouse clicks and keyboard events. (Instead of doing this, I implemented own mouse hook, so now this is not required)
Multi Monitor support
wheel up and down on pie slices
DPI change per monitor
Suspend/Resume entire app from tray icon
Android like toast messege, on errors, exceptions, volume up and down, bg tasks, way to use and limitations of pie menus.
make a setting to send completely raw low level hex keys directly, in case user have something custom keys related to there hardware, like brightness.
toast messages with icons
if mouse is out of certain radius, kill pie menus, take care of padding. only if maya marking rope is disabled, define radius in only global, not per.
if mouse goes out of certain rectangular radius of context menu, kill it. only global settings.
Add capslock key remaping just like that ahk script.
improve window change detection function, maybe its working extra stuff not required, (maybe nothing can be improved more, it is what it is.)
Suspend current profile from tray icon
Secret shift or alt hold change action type, something superior, like holding shift and pressing restart in windows gives it a hard restart. should only happen when pie menu are held open.
Context menu save padding, if space not available, change opening position/direction.
marking menu: show static rope from original position to submenu pos like maya. Keep it as an option.
- detect window changes by capturing system messages on window change. (researched a lot, could not get it to work)
- Get new moniters plugged notification