- Application: Cruddur
- Cohort: 2023-A1
This is the starting codebase that will be used in the FREE AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp 2023
The architecture of the project is described in the below diagram:
The application is deployed on AWS utilizing several AWS services. The backend uses a Flask-based Python application deployed to a Docker container running on ECS Fargate.
Frontend uses ReactJs statically hosted on S3, then cached and distributed via CloudFront.
The application is instrumented using X-Ray as an observability tool.
Amplify and Cognito are used for decentralized authentication.
RDS Postgres database is used for user data storage. DynamoDB and DynamoDB Stream are used as a single table design for real-time messaging and conversation updates.
A hosted zone on Route 53 is linked to the custom domain cloudproject.online. Application load balancer is used to forward requests to the frontend and backend containers.
Serverless image processing is implemented using API Gateway, two Lambda functions, presigned URL, S3 and CloudFront.
CodePipeline, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy are used for CI/CD.
The first version of the project was completed by partially clicking through the AWS console and utilising AWS CLI. Later on, the infrastructure was re-created using CloudFormation. Additionally, the serverless image processing was implemented with AWS CDK using Typescript.
Honeycomb's OpenTelemetry Flask instrumentation was used as an observability tool for distributed tracing. It was very straightforward to instrument and easy to use.
Rollbar was configured to be used for monitoring and bug-tracking.
At the start of the bootcamp you need to create a new Github Repository from this template.
The /journal
directory contains
- Week 0
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
- Week 11
- Week 12
- Week 13
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