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match syntax sugar (emulates Agda's with)
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Consider Agda programs that match on intermediate values:

main : ∀(P : Bool -> Set) -> (F : Bool -> Bool) -> (x : Bool) -> P (F x)
main P F x with F x
main P F x | True  = {!!} -- GOAL: P True
main P F x | False = {!!} -- GOAL: P False

Previously, to emulate it on Kind, we needed to use an explicit
'Bool/match' function, and annotate both the type of the matched
argument, and the return type. Now, we can use 'match' instead:

use Base/Pair/ as P/
use Base/Bool/ as B/

: ∀(P: ∀(x: B/Bool) *)
  ∀(F: ∀(x: B/Bool) B/Bool)
  ∀(x: B/Bool)
  (P (F x))
= λP λF λx match (F x) {
  #True: ?a // GOAL: (P #True{})
  #False: ?b // GOAL: (P #False{})

This will correctly specialize the goal to the concrete values.

Note that, to do so, we need an ugly "search-and-replace" type level
computation. Seems like that is how it is done in Agda too. I don't
think this is healthy and I believe it can be extremely slow, so, I'd
recommend avoiding 'match', but that's not really practical (we need it
even to project pairs, maybes, etc.). See this log to understand:


(match x {...})

merely desugars to:

(λ{...} x)

which is now treated by the type checker
(previously it would complain of not enough annotations)
  • Loading branch information
VictorTaelin committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent 117e725 commit 257c93f
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Showing 4 changed files with 193 additions and 37 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Kind/Check.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,14 @@ infer term dep = debug ("infer: " ++ termShower False term dep) $ go term dep wh

check :: Maybe Cod -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Env ()
check src val typ dep = debug ("check: " ++ termShower True val dep ++ "\n :: " ++ termShower True typ dep) $ go src val typ dep where

-- Case-Of: `(λ{...} x)`. NOTE: this is probably very slow due to 'replace'
go src (App (Src _ val) arg) typx dep = go src (App val arg) typx dep
go src (App (Mat cse) arg) typx dep = do
arg_ty <- infer arg dep
infer (App (Ann True (Mat cse) (All "x" arg_ty (\x -> replace arg x typx dep))) arg) dep
return ()

go src (Lam nam bod) typx dep = do
book <- envGetBook
fill <- envGetFill
Expand Down
164 changes: 163 additions & 1 deletion src/Kind/Equal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Kind.Show
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM

-- Equality
-- --------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,3 +310,166 @@ occur book fill uid term dep = go term dep where
let o_typ = go typ dep
o_bod = goTele (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in o_typ || o_bod

-- Substitution
-- ------------

-- This is the ugly / slow part of Kind. See:

-- Behaves like 'identical', except it is pure and returns a Bool.
same :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Bool
same (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep =
let sInp = same aInp bInp dep
sBod = same (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
in sInp && sBod
same (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
let sBod = same (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
in sBod
same (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep =
let sFun = same aFun bFun dep
sArg = same aArg bArg dep
in sFun && sArg
same (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
let sTyp = same aTyp bTyp dep
in sTyp
same (Ins aVal) b dep =
same aVal b dep
same a (Ins bVal) dep =
same a bVal dep
same (Dat aScp aCts) (Dat bScp bCts) dep =
let sSlf = and $ zipWith (\ax bx -> same ax bx dep) aScp bScp
sCts = length aCts == length bCts && and (zipWith (\ a b -> sameCtr a b dep) aCts bCts)
in sSlf && sCts
same (Con aNam aArg) (Con bNam bArg) dep =
let sNam = aNam == bNam
sArg = length aArg == length bArg && and (zipWith (\(_, aVal) (_, bVal) -> same aVal bVal dep) aArg bArg)
in sNam && sArg
same (Mat aCse) (Mat bCse) dep =
let sCse = length aCse == length bCse && and (zipWith (\ a b -> sameCse a b dep) aCse bCse)
in sCse
same (Let aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
same (aBod aVal) b dep
same a (Let bNam bVal bBod) dep =
same a (bBod bVal) dep
same (Use aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
same (aBod aVal) b dep
same a (Use bNam bVal bBod) dep =
same a (bBod bVal) dep
same Set Set dep =
same (Ann chk aVal aTyp) b dep =
same aVal b dep
same a (Ann chk bVal bTyp) dep =
same a bVal dep
same (Met aUid aSpn) b dep =
same a (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
same (Hol aNam aCtx) b dep =
same a (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
same U32 U32 dep =
same (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
aVal == bVal
same (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep =
same aFst bFst dep && same aSnd bSnd dep
same (Swi aZer aSuc) (Swi bZer bSuc) dep =
same aZer bZer dep && same aSuc bSuc dep
same (Txt aTxt) (Txt bTxt) dep =
aTxt == bTxt
same (Nat aVal) (Nat bVal) dep =
aVal == bVal
same (Src aSrc aVal) b dep =
same aVal b dep
same a (Src bSrc bVal) dep =
same a bVal dep
same (Ref aNam) (Ref bNam) dep =
aNam == bNam
same (Var aNam aIdx) (Var bNam bIdx) dep =
aIdx == bIdx
same _ _ _ = False

-- Auxiliary functions
sameCtr :: Ctr -> Ctr -> Int -> Bool
sameCtr (Ctr aCNm aTele) (Ctr bCNm bTele) dep =
if aCNm == bCNm
then goTele aTele bTele dep
else False

sameCse :: (String, Term) -> (String, Term) -> Int -> Bool
sameCse (aCNam, aCBod) (bCNam, bCBod) dep =
if aCNam == bCNam
then same aCBod bCBod dep
else False

goTele :: Tele -> Tele -> Int -> Bool
goTele (TRet aTerm) (TRet bTerm) dep = same aTerm bTerm dep
goTele (TExt aNam aTyp aBod) (TExt bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
let sTyp = same aTyp bTyp dep
sBod = goTele (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
in sTyp && sBod
goTele _ _ _ = False

-- Substitutes a Bruijn level variable by a neo value in term.
subst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst lvl neo term = go term where
go (All nam inp bod) = All nam (go inp) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Lam nam bod) = Lam nam (\x -> go (bod x))
go (App fun arg) = App (go fun) (go arg)
go (Ann chk val typ) = Ann chk (go val) (go typ)
go (Slf nam typ bod) = Slf nam (go typ) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Ins val) = Ins (go val)
go (Dat scp cts) = Dat (map go scp) (map goCtr cts)
go (Con nam arg) = Con nam (map (\(f, t) -> (f, go t)) arg)
go (Mat cse) = Mat (map goCse cse)
go (Swi zer suc) = Swi (go zer) (go suc)
go (Ref nam) = Ref nam
go (Let nam val bod) = Let nam (go val) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Use nam val bod) = Use nam (go val) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Met uid spn) = Met uid (map go spn)
go (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (map go ctx)
go Set = Set
go U32 = U32
go (Num n) = Num n
go (Op2 opr fst snd) = Op2 opr (go fst) (go snd)
go (Txt txt) = Txt txt
go (Nat val) = Nat val
go (Var nam idx) = if lvl == idx then neo else Var nam idx
go (Src src val) = Src src (go val)
goCtr (Ctr nm tele) = Ctr nm (goTele tele)
goCse (cnam, cbod) = (cnam, go cbod)
goTele (TRet term) = TRet (go term)
goTele (TExt k t b) = TExt k (go t) (\x -> goTele (b x))

-- Replaces a term by another
replace :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Term
replace old neo term dep = if same old term dep then neo else go term where
go (All nam inp bod) = All nam (replace old neo inp dep) (\x -> replace old neo (bod x) (dep+1))
go (Lam nam bod) = Lam nam (\x -> replace old neo (bod x) (dep+1))
go (App fun arg) = App (replace old neo fun dep) (replace old neo arg dep)
go (Ann chk val typ) = Ann chk (replace old neo val dep) (replace old neo typ dep)
go (Slf nam typ bod) = Slf nam (replace old neo typ dep) (\x -> replace old neo (bod x) (dep+1))
go (Ins val) = Ins (replace old neo val dep)
go (Dat scp cts) = Dat (map (\x -> replace old neo x (dep+1)) scp) (map goCtr cts)
go (Con nam arg) = Con nam (map (\(f, t) -> (f, replace old neo t dep)) arg)
go (Mat cse) = Mat (map goCse cse)
go (Swi zer suc) = Swi (replace old neo zer dep) (replace old neo suc dep)
go (Ref nam) = Ref nam
go (Let nam val bod) = Let nam (replace old neo val dep) (\x -> replace old neo (bod x) (dep+1))
go (Use nam val bod) = Use nam (replace old neo val dep) (\x -> replace old neo (bod x) (dep+1))
go (Met uid spn) = Met uid (map (\x -> replace old neo x (dep+1)) spn)
go (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (map (\x -> replace old neo x (dep+1)) ctx)
go Set = Set
go U32 = U32
go (Num n) = Num n
go (Op2 opr fst snd) = Op2 opr (replace old neo fst dep) (replace old neo snd dep)
go (Txt txt) = Txt txt
go (Nat val) = Nat val
go (Var nam idx) = Var nam idx
go (Src src val) = Src src (replace old neo val dep)
goCtr (Ctr nm tele) = Ctr nm (goTele tele dep)
goCse (cnam, cbod) = (cnam, replace old neo cbod dep)
goTele (TRet term) d = TRet (replace old neo term d)
goTele (TExt k t b) d = TExt k (replace old neo t d) (\x -> goTele (b x) (d+1))
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion src/Kind/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ parseTerm = (do
, parseCon
, parseUse
, parseLet
, parseDo
, parseDo -- sugar
, parseMatch -- sugar
, parseSet
, parseNum
, parseTxt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,3 +482,23 @@ desugarDo (DoBlck name stmts wrap ret) = do

parseDo :: Parser Term
parseDo = parseDoSugar >>= desugarDo

-- Let's now implement the 'parseMatch' sugar. The following syntax:
-- 'match x { #Foo: foo #Bar: bar ... }'
-- desugars to:
-- '(λ{ #Foo: foo #Bar: bar ... } x)
-- it parses the cases identically to parseMat.
parseMatch :: Parser Term
parseMatch = withSrc $ do
P.try $ string "match "
x <- parseTerm
char '{'
cse <- P.many $ do
char '#'
cnam <- parseName
char ':'
cbod <- parseTerm
return (cnam, cbod)
char '}'
return $ App (Mat cse) x
35 changes: 0 additions & 35 deletions src/Kind/Reduce.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,38 +306,3 @@ genMetas term = fst (go term 0) where
let (typ', c1) = go typ c
(bod', c2) = goTele (bod (Var nam 0)) c1
in (TExt nam typ' (\_ -> bod'), c2)

-- Substitution
-- ------------

-- Substitutes a Bruijn level variable by a neo value in term.
subst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst lvl neo term = go term where
go (All nam inp bod) = All nam (go inp) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Lam nam bod) = Lam nam (\x -> go (bod x))
go (App fun arg) = App (go fun) (go arg)
go (Ann chk val typ) = Ann chk (go val) (go typ)
go (Slf nam typ bod) = Slf nam (go typ) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Ins val) = Ins (go val)
go (Dat scp cts) = Dat (map go scp) (map goCtr cts)
go (Con nam arg) = Con nam (map (\(f, t) -> (f, go t)) arg)
go (Mat cse) = Mat (map goCse cse)
go (Swi zer suc) = Swi (go zer) (go suc)
go (Ref nam) = Ref nam
go (Let nam val bod) = Let nam (go val) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Use nam val bod) = Use nam (go val) (\x -> go (bod x))
go (Met uid spn) = Met uid (map go spn)
go (Hol nam ctx) = Hol nam (map go ctx)
go Set = Set
go U32 = U32
go (Num n) = Num n
go (Op2 opr fst snd) = Op2 opr (go fst) (go snd)
go (Txt txt) = Txt txt
go (Nat val) = Nat val
go (Var nam idx) = if lvl == idx then neo else Var nam idx
go (Src src val) = Src src (go val)
goCtr (Ctr nm tele) = Ctr nm (goTele tele)
goCse (cnam, cbod) = (cnam, go cbod)
goTele (TRet term) = TRet (go term)
goTele (TExt nam typ bod) = TExt nam (go typ) (\x -> goTele (bod x))

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