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JS compiler: saturated call optimization
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now, f(x)(y)(z) will be compiled as f$(x,y,z) when the call is saturated
this results in a great speedup on JS
  • Loading branch information
VictorTaelin committed Oct 26, 2024
1 parent 795bc4d commit 096b65c
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 110 deletions.
214 changes: 104 additions & 110 deletions src/Kind/CompileJS.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ termToCT book fill term typx dep = bindCT (t2ct term typx dep) [] where
go (Src _ val) =
t2ct val typx dep

-- CT Transformations
-- ------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,36 +207,6 @@ liftLams func args ct =
go term dep ari s =
(ari, term)

-- Inliner
inliner :: CTBook -> CT -> CT
inliner book CNul = CNul
inliner book (CLam nam bod) = CLam nam (\x -> inliner book (bod x))
inliner book (CApp fun arg) = CApp (inliner book fun) (inliner book arg)
inliner book (CCon nam fields) = CCon nam (map (\ (f, t) -> (f, inliner book t)) fields)
inliner book (CMat val cse) = CMat (inliner book val) (map (\ (cn, fs, cb) -> (cn, fs, inliner book cb)) cse)
inliner book (CLet nam val bod) = CLet nam (inliner book val) (\x -> inliner book (bod x))
inliner book (CNum val) = CNum val
inliner book (CFlt val) = CFlt val
inliner book (COp2 opr fst snd) = COp2 opr (inliner book fst) (inliner book snd)
inliner book (CSwi val zer suc) = CSwi (inliner book val) (inliner book zer) (inliner book suc)
inliner book (CLog msg nxt) = CLog (inliner book msg) (inliner book nxt)
inliner book (CVar nam idx) = CVar nam idx
inliner book (CTxt txt) = CTxt txt
inliner book (CLst lst) = CLst (map (inliner book) lst)
inliner book (CNat val) = CNat val
inliner book (CRef nam)
| inlineable nam =
case M.lookup nam book of
Just def -> trace ("INLINED: " ++ nam) $ inliner book def
Nothing -> CRef nam
| otherwise = CRef nam
inlineable :: String -> Bool
inlineable name
= "pure" `isSuffixOf` name
|| "bind" `isSuffixOf` name
|| "bind/go" `isSuffixOf` name

-- JavaScript Codegen
-- ------------------

Expand All @@ -248,36 +217,94 @@ getArguments term = go term 0 where
in (nam:args, body)
go body dep = ([], body)

arityOf :: CTBook -> String -> Int
arityOf book name = case M.lookup name book of
Just ct -> length $ fst $ getArguments ct
Nothing -> 0

isRecCall :: String -> Int -> CT -> Bool
isRecCall fnName arity app =
let (appFun, appArgs) = getAppChain app
in case appFun of
CRef appFunName ->
let isSameFunc = appFunName == fnName
isSameArity = length appArgs == arity
in isSameFunc && isSameArity
_ -> False

isSatCall :: CTBook -> CT -> [CT] -> Bool
isSatCall book (CRef funName) appArgs = arityOf book funName == length appArgs
isSatCall book _ _ = False

-- Converts a function to JavaScript
fnToJS :: String -> CT -> ST.State Int String
fnToJS func (getArguments -> (args, body)) = do
fnToJS :: CTBook -> String -> CT -> ST.State Int String
fnToJS book fnName (getArguments -> (fnArgs, fnBody)) = do

-- Compiles the top-level function to JS
bodyName <- fresh
bodyStmt <- ctToJS True (Just bodyName) body 0
let wrapArgs cur args body
| null args = concat ["(() => ", body, ")()"]
bodyStmt <- ctToJS True (Just bodyName) fnBody 0
let wrapArgs cur args fnBody
| null args = concat ["(() => ", fnBody, ")()"]
| otherwise = if cur
then concat [intercalate " => " args, " => ", body]
else concat ["(", intercalate "," args, ") => ", body]
then concat [intercalate " => " args, " => ", fnBody]
else concat ["(", intercalate "," args, ") => ", fnBody]
let uncBody = concat ["{ while (1) { ", bodyStmt, "return ", bodyName, "; } }"]
let curBody = nameToJS func ++ "$" ++ (if null args then "" else "(" ++ intercalate "," args ++ ")")
let uncFunc = concat ["const ", nameToJS func, "$ = ", wrapArgs False args uncBody]
let curFunc = concat ["const ", nameToJS func, " = ", wrapArgs True args curBody]
let curBody = nameToJS fnName ++ "$" ++ (if null fnArgs then "" else "(" ++ intercalate "," fnArgs ++ ")")
let uncFunc = concat ["const ", nameToJS fnName, "$ = ", wrapArgs False fnArgs uncBody]
let curFunc = concat ["const ", nameToJS fnName, " = ", wrapArgs True fnArgs curBody]
return $ uncFunc ++ "\n" ++ curFunc


-- Assigns an expression to a name, or return it directly
ret :: Maybe String -> String -> ST.State Int String
ret (Just name) expr = return $ "var " ++ name ++ " = " ++ expr ++ ";"
ret Nothing expr = return $ expr

-- Inliner
red :: CT -> CT
red (CApp fun arg) = app (red fun) arg
red val = val

-- Inliner APP
app :: CT -> CT -> CT
app (CLam nam bod) arg = red (bod (red arg))
app fun arg = CApp fun arg

-- TODO: inline REFs with heuristic

-- Genreates a fresh name
fresh :: ST.State Int String
fresh = do
n <- ST.get
ST.put (n + 1)
return $ "$x" ++ show n

-- Assigns an expression to a name, or return it directly
ret :: Maybe String -> String -> ST.State Int String
ret (Just name) expr = return $ "var " ++ name ++ " = " ++ expr ++ ";"
ret Nothing expr = return $ expr

-- Compiles a name to JS
nameToJS :: String -> String
nameToJS x = "$" ++ map (\c -> if c == '/' || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '#' then '$' else c) x

-- Compiles an Oper to JS
operToJS :: Oper -> String
operToJS ADD = "+"
operToJS SUB = "-"
operToJS MUL = "*"
operToJS DIV = "/"
operToJS MOD = "%"
operToJS EQ = "==="
operToJS NE = "!=="
operToJS LT = "<"
operToJS GT = ">"
operToJS LTE = "<="
operToJS GTE = ">="
operToJS AND = "&"
operToJS OR = "|"
operToJS XOR = "^"
operToJS LSH = "<<"
operToJS RSH = ">>"

-- Compiles a CT to JS
ctToJS :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CT -> Int -> ST.State Int String
ctToJS tail var term dep = go (red term) where
go CNul =
ret var "null"
Expand All @@ -292,29 +319,28 @@ fnToJS func (getArguments -> (args, body)) = do
let uid = nameToJS n ++ "$" ++ show dep
in lams (b (CVar uid dep)) (dep + 1) (uid : names)
lams term dep names = (reverse names, term, Nothing)
go app@(CApp fun arg) | tail && isRecCall app = do
-- TODO: here, we will mutably set the function's arguments with the new argList values, and 'continue'
-- TODO: AI generated, review
let (func', argTerms) = getAppChain app
argDefs <- forM (zip args argTerms) $ \(paramName, argTerm) -> do
argName <- fresh
argStmt <- ctToJS False (Just argName) argTerm dep
return (argStmt, paramName ++ " = " ++ argName ++ ";")
let (argStmts, paramDefs) = unzip argDefs
return $ concat argStmts ++ concat paramDefs ++ " continue;"
where isRecCall :: CT -> Bool
isRecCall app =
let (func', args') = getAppChain app
in case func' of
CRef fNam ->
let isSameFunc = fNam == func
isSameArity = length args' == length args
in isSameFunc && isSameArity
_ -> False
go (CApp fun arg) = do
funExpr <- ctToJS False Nothing fun dep
argExpr <- ctToJS False Nothing arg dep
ret var $ concat ["(", funExpr, ")(", argExpr, ")"]
go app@(CApp fun arg) = do
let (appFun, appArgs) = getAppChain app
-- Tail Recursive Call
if tail && isRecCall fnName (length fnArgs) app then do
-- TODO: here, we will mutably set the function's arguments with the new argList values, and 'continue'
-- TODO: AI generated, review
argDefs <- forM (zip fnArgs appArgs) $ \(paramName, appArgs) -> do
argName <- fresh
argStmt <- ctToJS False (Just argName) appArgs dep
return (argStmt, paramName ++ " = " ++ argName ++ ";")
let (argStmts, paramDefs) = unzip argDefs
return $ concat argStmts ++ concat paramDefs ++ " continue;"
-- Saturated Call Optimization
else if isSatCall book appFun appArgs then do
let (CRef funName) = appFun
argExprs <- mapM (\arg -> ctToJS False Nothing arg dep) appArgs
ret var $ concat [nameToJS funName, "$(", intercalate ", " argExprs, ")"]
-- Normal Application
else do
funExpr <- ctToJS False Nothing fun dep
argExpr <- ctToJS False Nothing arg dep
ret var $ concat ["(", funExpr, ")(", argExpr, ")"]
go (CCon nam fields) = do
fieldExprs <- forM fields $ \ (fname, fterm) -> do
expr <- ctToJS False Nothing fterm dep
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,34 +417,6 @@ fnToJS func (getArguments -> (args, body)) = do
zero = CCon "Zero" []
in ctToJS False var (foldr (\_ acc -> succ acc) zero [1..val]) dep

-- Compiles an Oper to JS
operToJS :: Oper -> String
operToJS ADD = "+"
operToJS SUB = "-"
operToJS MUL = "*"
operToJS DIV = "/"
operToJS MOD = "%"
operToJS EQ = "==="
operToJS NE = "!=="
operToJS LT = "<"
operToJS GT = ">"
operToJS LTE = "<="
operToJS GTE = ">="
operToJS AND = "&"
operToJS OR = "|"
operToJS XOR = "^"
operToJS LSH = "<<"
operToJS RSH = ">>"

nameToJS :: String -> String
nameToJS x = "$" ++ map (\c -> if c == '/' || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '#' then '$' else c) x

fresh :: ST.State Int String
fresh = do
n <- ST.get
ST.put (n + 1)
return $ "$x" ++ show n

prelude :: String
prelude = unlines [
"function LIST_TO_JSTR(list) {",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,15 +455,14 @@ compileTerm book (name, term) =
Fail _ ->
error $ "COMPILATION_ERROR: " ++ name ++ " isn't well-typed."

generateJS :: (String, CT) -> String
generateJS (name, ct) = ST.evalState (fnToJS name ct) 0 ++ "\n\n"
generateJS :: CTBook -> (String, CT) -> String
generateJS book (name, ct) = ST.evalState (fnToJS book name ct) 0 ++ "\n\n"

compileJS :: Book -> String
compileJS book =
let ctDefs = map (compileTerm book) (topoSortBook book)
ctBook = M.fromList ctDefs
-- ctDefs' = map (\ (name, ct) -> (name, inliner ctBook ct)) ctDefs
jsFns = concatMap generateJS ctDefs
jsFns = concatMap (generateJS ctBook) ctDefs
in prelude ++ "\n\n" ++ jsFns

-- Utils
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,6 +517,12 @@ bindCT (CLst lst) ctx =
CLst lst'
bindCT (CNat val) ctx = CNat val

getAppChain :: CT -> (CT, [CT])
getAppChain (CApp fun arg) =
let (f, args) = getAppChain fun
in (f, args ++ [arg])
getAppChain term = (term, [])

-- Stringification
-- ---------------

Expand All @@ -542,15 +545,6 @@ showCT (CTxt txt) = show txt
showCT (CLst lst) = "[" ++ unwords (map showCT lst) ++ "]"
showCT (CNat val) = show val

-- Utils
-- -----

getAppChain :: CT -> (CT, [CT])
getAppChain (CApp fun arg) =
let (f, args) = getAppChain fun
in (f, args ++ [arg])
getAppChain term = (term, [])

-- Tests
-- -----

Expand Down

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