HiP-CmsWebApi is a content management system which is developed by the project group History in Paderborn. It is developed to fill the system 'History in Paderborn' with data. This is only a REST API with service end points. We also develop client application to consume this REST API. The client application is built on AngularJS2. For Authentication and Authorization we are using a Microservice HiP-Auth.
In another team of the project group, an Android app is developed that will make the content of HiPCMS accessable to the public. Information about the app will be added as soon as it is available.
HiPCMS will replace the original project which was known as HiPBackend. HiPBackend's code unfortunately was not maintainable anymore and a rewrite was decided.
See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
See the graphs page for a list of code contributions.
HiP-CmsWebApi is a REST API built on .NET Core 1.0 with C# 6.0. Below are the requirements needed to build and develop this project,
- .NET Core for Windows, Linux or macOS.
- PostgreSQL
- Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3 and NuGet Package Manager.
- Visual Studio Code with C# extention.
- Clone the repository.
- Create a new file
. (Seesrc/Api/appsettings.Development.json.example
). - Update the new
file to match your needs. - To run using Visual Studio, just start the app with/without debugging.
- To run through terminal,
- Navigate to
- Set Environment Variable
- Windows:
- Linux/macOS:
- Windows:
- Before your first run, execute
dotnet restore
- Execute
dotnet run
will give information about the service endpoints.
- Navigate to
For getting the project to run with Visual Studio Code, you will have to execute a few more steps:
- go to the Debug view and click the run button - a prompt will appear asking for the launch configuration's target -- choose .NET
- in the created
:- replace every occurence of
- add
"env": { "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" }
to your run configurations
- replace every occurence of
- click run again, which will complain about no task runner being configured -- choose .NET as your task runner, which will create a
file - in the created
, add the following line:"options": { "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/src/Api" },
If you are experiencing issues with your .NET installation on Linux or macOS, you can use the script at https://github.com/dotnet/cli/blob/rel/1.0.0/scripts/obtain/uninstall/dotnet-uninstall-pkgs.sh to remove all .NET packages (i.e. the SDK and runtime) in order to perform a fresh install afterwards.
- You can fork or clone our repo.
- To submit patches you should fork and then create a Pull Request
- Create a new file
. (Seetest/Api.Tests/testconfig.json.example
). - Update the new
file with an valid MyTested Licence. - Navigate to
folder and rundotnet test
Please write an email to hip-app@campus.upb.de.
HiP (History in Paderborn) ist eine Plattform der: Universität Paderborn Warburger Str. 100 33098 Paderborn http://www.uni-paderborn.de Tel.: +49 5251 60-0
You can also write an email.