Host Sets details
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
associated_links | [AssociatedLinksInner] | Associated Links Details | [optional] |
comment | str, none_type | Comment on the Host Set | [optional] |
displayname | str, none_type | Name to be used for display purposes | [optional] |
domain | str, none_type | Domain name of the Host Set | [optional] |
generation | int | Generation Time of the Resource | [optional] |
host_set_id | int, none_type | Numeric ID of the resource | [optional] |
id | str | HostSet Resource UID | [optional] |
members | [str, none_type], none_type | system ntp addresses | [optional] |
name | str, none_type | Host Set Name | [optional] |
resource_uri | str, none_type | resourceUri for detailed hostset object | [optional] |
sc_host_group_id | str, none_type | Host Service HostGroup Id | [optional] |
system_uid | str | Serail Number of the system | [optional] |
system_wwn | str | System wwn | [optional] |
uri | str, none_type | Uri | [optional] |
uuid | str | HostSet Resource UUID | [optional] |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |