A React.js template with Vite ⚡ is super simple and ready to go. It comes packed with all the essential libraries you need for modern frontend development.
Here is several things that made vite is better bundler out there :
- Instant Server Start: No more waiting around—start your server instantly.
- Lightning Fast HMR: Hot Module Replacement that's truly fast.
- Create React App Best Alternative: Skip the unecessary clutter of Create React App 🙂.
- And More: There are plenty of other reasons to love Vite!
If you’re curious to explore Vite further, check out the link
Here is the building blocks of this repository
- 📟 Navigation: Configured with React Router DOM for dynamic routing.
- 🔋 CSS Frameworks: Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI for rapid UI development with minimal custom styling.
- 📊 Code Formatting: Prettier is integrated to ensure consistent code style across the project.
- 🗂️ Linting: ESLint is set up to enforce coding standards and best practices.
- 📮 Pre-commit Hooks: Husky is utilized to run automated checks before code is committed.
- 🛠️ Lint-Staged: Paired with Husky, lint-staged handles formatting and linting for all staged changes.
- Clone the repository :
git clone
cd ts-react-tailwind-starter
- Install dependencies :
npm install
- Run the development server :
npm run dev
- Build for production :
npm run build
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
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