Halloween Mod Release v6.0.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
Added Wheel of Fate (random spell effects)
Added crits
Added crits spell
Added a flash effect when picking up a pumpkin
Added a flash effect while putting pumpkin into bucket
Added Power Up spell
Added Boss PVE
Added showing of equipment menu when player respawning the first time
Invisibility no longer invokes for nearby teammates
Bosses will now kill the player when intersect while respawning
Spellballs are now cast from view position
Improved small skeletons spawning
A new gift now appears only after picking up or disappear the old one
NPCs can now walk up stairs
Improved spells effects
Improved HUD
Money and Timer HUD in collector gamemode now hidden by default
Added Hungarian translation (by regener)
Renamed hwn_spawn_boss command to hwn_boss_spawn
Added hwn_spellbook_max_spell_count cvar
Added hwn_bucket_collect_flash cvar
Added hwn_pumpkin_pickup_flash cvar
Added hwn_wof_effect_time cvar
Added hwn_collector_wof cvar
Added hwn_collector_wof_delay cvar
Added hwn_crits_damage_multiplier cvar
Added hwn_crits_random cvar
Added hwn_crits_random_chance_initial cvar
Added hwn_crits_random_chance_max cvar
Added hwn_crits_random_chance_bonus cvar
Added hwn_crits_random_chance_penalty cvar
Added hwn_crits_effect_trace cvar
Added hwn_crits_effect_splash cvar
Added hwn_crits_effect_flash cvar
Added hwn_crits_effect_status_icon cvar
Added hwn_crits_sound_use cvar
Added hwn_crits_sound_hit cvar
Added hwn_crits_sound_shoot cvar
Added hwn_hud_collector_hide_money cvar
Added hwn_hud_collector_hide_time cvar
Added hwn_boss_pve cvar
Added hwn_boss_spawn command
Added hwn_wof_roll command
Added hwn_wof_abort command
Added hwn_spells_give command
Added hwn_crits_toggle command
Fixed boss healthbar display
Fixed blink spell teleportation
Fixed ru lang
Fixed small skeletons getting stuck
Fixed small skeleton hitbox
Fixed respawn on join
You can’t perform that action at this time.