WifiPortal is a daemon to provide WiFi access and control and hotspot capabilities. It is designed specifically for embedded devices (like routers running OpenWrt).
You need to have the following dependencies on your target system: k
- iptables (http://www.netfilter.org/)
- freeradius-utils (https://freeradius.org/releases/)
- iproute2
These are common software, so you can easily find the packages for your distribution/system.
If your system does not provide these packages, you can compile them from scratch.
For first you have to clone the project from the github repository:
git clone https://github.com/HectorTa1989/WifiPortal.git
Enter the project directory and execute:
Run the configure script to create the Makefile:
./configure --prefix=/usr
If you want to cross-compile for another architecture please refer to the cross-compilation instructions for the autotools. I give you an example of cross-compiling for example for the arm architecture (yes, I have the toolchain already installed):
./configure --prefix=/usr --host=arm-linux
Run the make and the make install scripts:
make && make install DESTDIR=<some dir>
The result is placed in <some dir>
You have to install the content of <some dir>
to your target system.
You can find a sample configuration file in example. Edit the configuration file according to your needs and copy it to /etc/WifiPortal.
In order to redirect your clients to your captive portal you have to setup the hotspot.cgi script. To setup your hotspot.cgi script read it and make your changes as described inside the cgi script.
Start WifiPortal with:
wiPort -c /etc/WifiPortal/conf
It goes in background listening for new connections to the listening interface.
As an host connects to the network owned by the listening interface (e.g. your WiFi network) WifiPortal will issue a new request to your radius server and will allow or deny the host from accessing your Internet.
WifiPortal does more! It handles the accounting process for all connected hosts sessions as well as bandwidth, session and traffic limits, and so on.
The following command return the host status with all related informations in a tabular fashion:
wiPort -s
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0.