Pizza Encryption Standard is an encryption algorithm made by Hectarea and Qrab & Nell, based on the steps that you need to make a pizza.
The password is the Sauce, the Initial Value is the ingredients like cheese, pepperoni, peppers, and onion, and the Plain Text is the Pizza Dough
- The Initial Value and the Password obfuscate each byte of the plain text
- The Password randomly switches the position between pairs of Bytes inside the Byte Array
- The Password encrypts the individual bytes of the mixed-up Byte Array
- The Frozen Pizza is ready to deliver
- The Password decrypts individual bytes of the Frozen Pizza
- The Password switches the pairs of bytes back into their original position
- Finally the Initial Value and the Password de-obfuscate the CipherText into the original Byte Array
pip install HectareaPES
from HectareaPES import PaneraPizza
#Encoded Plain Text
PizzaDough = b"How Big Are Panera's Flatbread Pizzas? Panera's pizzas are square-shaped and they're the perfect size for a personal pizza. They're about 11-inches long by 4-inches wide, and they're usually cut into 6 small squares, which makes it easy for portioning."
#Encoded Initial Value
Ingredients = b'Pepperoni Initial Value'
#Encoded Password
Sauce = b'Random Password'
RolledDough = PaneraPizza.RollingPin(PizzaDough, Sauce, Ingredients)
SeasonedPizza = PaneraPizza.Mix(RolledDough, Sauce)
FrozenPizza = PaneraPizza.Freezer(SeasonedPizza, Sauce)
print("\nCipherText: \n"+str(FrozenPizza))
BakedPizza = PaneraPizza.Oven(FrozenPizza, Sauce)
PizzaSlices = PaneraPizza.Cutter(BakedPizza, Sauce)
PizzaSlice = PaneraPizza.Turner(PizzaSlices, Sauce, Ingredients)
print("\nPlainText: \n"+str(PizzaSlice))
bytearray(b"How Big Are Panera\'s Flatbread Pizzas? Panera\'s pizzas are square-shaped and they\'re the perfect size for a personal pizza. They\'re about 11-inches long by 4-inches wide, and they\'re usually cut into 6 small squares, which makes it easy for portioning.")