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【暫定】動画一覧のカラム幅を元に戻せない #258

Answered by Hayao-H
Hayao-H asked this question in Q&A
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  1. niconicome.dbのバックアップをとってください
  2. こちらのソフトをダウンロードして実行します
  3. 左上のConnect=>Filenameのファイルアイコン=>niconicome.dbを選択=>Connect
  4. 下の文字列を1行ずつ貼り付けてRunを押してください。(一行貼り付け=>Run=>行削除=>また一行貼り付け...)
UPDATE appsettingsint SET Value = 100 where SettingName = "mainwindowselectcolumnwidth"  
UPDATE appsettingsint SET Value = 100 where SettingName = "mainwindowidcolumnwidth"  
UPDATE appsettingsint SET Value = 100 where SettingName = "mainwindowtitlecolumnwidth"  
UPDATE appsettingsint SET Value = 100 where SettingName = "mainwindowuploadcolumnwidth"  
UPDATE appsettingsint SET Value = 100 where SettingName = "mainwindowdownloadedflagcol…

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May 23, 2021
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Answer selected by Hayao-H
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