Enumeration methods, tools, resources, & other useful techniques.
List of tools & things to check during exam, organized by phase.
Various scripts to use during exam, organized by phase.
Notes on Buffer Overflow scripts:
- To be used as a general reference guide.
- Taken directly from PWK training guide, they will likely need to be heavily modified to fit the exam program.
- Use in conjunction with the Buffer Overflow Methodology & Buffer Overflow Resources (under Cheatsheets > Misc. & Repos > Tools > Buffer Overflow) to develop an appropriate script.
Setup resources to automatically install & configure the prerequisite tools for the scripts in this repo.
└── OSCP-Exam
├── IP1
│ ├── Exploits
│ ├── Loot
│ ├── Notes
│ ├── Scans
│ │ ├── autorecon
│ │ └── nmapAutomator
│ └── Screenshots
├── IP2
├── IP3
├── IP4
└── IP5