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This is a lightweight color picker for iOS. Written in modern swift, delivered as a framework

  • iOS 10.3+ target (you can adjust project to use older)
  • tvOS Support (tvOS 10.2 and later)
  • 100% Swift 4.0 code (almost no code changes for swift 3.1 if you need)
  • Simple adoption
  • Very lightweight (1 storyboard, no images)
  • Bitcode enabled

Note: Only the color chips are delivered by the framework, the button and the larger green chip are part of the example application.

Default Configuration Custom Configuration tvOS Multi Gradient Configuration

##Simple use:

  1. Download code

  2. Compile Framework

Can use Carthage here for iOS: github "HasanEdain/NPCColorPicker"

  1. Add Framework to your project

  2. Add a UIView that will contain the colors (don't forget to constrain the view)

  3. Adopt the NPCColorPickerViewDelegate protocol

class ViewController: UIViewController, NPCColorPickerViewDelegate
  1. Make and initialize an NPCColorPicker variable in your viewController:
var colorPicker = NPCColorPicker()
  1. Place the pickerView in your view:
self.colorPicker.embedColorPickerInView(self.embedView, forDelegate: self)
  1. Customize as desired
   You can use your own set of colors (Alpha and hash tag #ffffffff is also supported)

   You can set the colors to a gradient of your choosing
   self.colorPicker.changeColorToGradient("ff0000", endColor: "0000ff", steps: 32)

   You van set an array of gradients:
   self.colorPicker.changeColorToGradientArray(["ffffff","000000","ff0000","00ff00","0000ff"], steps: 16)

   You can set the size of the touch targets for the colors

   You can change the shape of the touch targets for the colors
   .square, and .circle are provided as well

   You can change the space between rows and columns of colors.
   self.colorPicker.changeSpaceBetweenColors(8.0, columns: 8.0)
  1. Implement the single delegate method:
  func colorChosen(color: UIColor) {
          self.colorView.backgroundColor = color

Now you have a color picker.

What you do with it is up to you.

Created by Hasan Edain and Andrew Bush

NPC Unlimited

Bush Software

tvOS integration and example application completed by Sam Warfield

Possible improvements:


  • Fix Carthage for tvOS


  • A method to provide a mask and or a frame for chips


  • Improve / Test install and configure
  • Add unit tests.
  • Add UI Tests
  • Add Performance test


Please send feedback to