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[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dmbds6xdjlo8i"]
[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://caem805hxljgn" path="res://TileMap/TileSet.tres" id="1_w8ie1"]
[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap"]
tile_set = ExtResource("1_w8ie1")
format = 2
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-1, 3, 0, 65535, 3, 0, 131071, 3, 0, 196607, 3, 0, 262143, 3, 0, 327679, 3, 0, 393215, 3, 0, 458751, 3, 0, 524287, 3, 0, 589823, 3, 0, 655359, 3, 0, 720895, 3, 0, 786431, 3, 0, 851967, 3, 0, 917503, 3, 0, 983039, 3, 0, 1048575, 3, 0, 1114111, 3, 0, 1179647, 3, 0, 1245183, 3, 0, -65536, 3, 0, 1179648, 3, 0, -65535, 3, 0, 1179649, 3, 0, -65534, 3, 0, 1179650, 3, 0, -65533, 3, 0, 1179651, 3, 0, -65532, 3, 0, 1179652, 3, 0, -65531, 3, 0, 1179653, 3, 0, -65530, 3, 0, 1179654, 3, 0, -65529, 3, 0, 1179655, 3, 0, -65528, 3, 0, 1179656, 3, 0, -65527, 3, 0, 1179657, 3, 0, -65526, 3, 0, 1179658, 3, 0, -65525, 3, 0, 1179659, 3, 0, -65524, 3, 0, 1179660, 3, 0, -65523, 3, 0, 1179661, 3, 0, -65522, 3, 0, 1179662, 3, 0, -65521, 3, 0, 1179663, 3, 0, -65520, 3, 0, 1179664, 3, 0, -65519, 3, 0, 1179665, 3, 0, -65518, 3, 0, 18, 3, 0, 65554, 3, 0, 131090, 3, 0, 196626, 3, 0, 262162, 3, 0, 327698, 3, 0, 393234, 3, 0, 458770, 3, 0, 524306, 3, 0, 589842, 3, 0, 655378, 3, 0, 720914, 3, 0, 786450, 3, 0, 851986, 3, 0, 917522, 3, 0, 983058, 3, 0, 1048594, 3, 0, 1114130, 3, 0, 1179666, 3, 0, 393219, 0, 0, 393220, 0, 0, 393221, 0, 0, 393222, 0, 0, 851981, 0, 0, 851980, 0, 0, 851979, 0, 0, 851978, 0, 0, 786443, 2, 0, 327684, 1, 0)