Releases: HarkerDev/bellschedule
Releases · HarkerDev/bellschedule
Initial GitHub Release (3/20/14)
Also happens to be the first version with all major functionality (schedule, options) complete, so I've bumped the major version from 0 to 1.
Changes from V0.4.16:
- added options
- added passing periods
- added ability to override f5/ctrl-r as refresh and instead just update the schedule
- added auto updating (defaults to one minute)
- added link to GitHub repository
- cleaned up code (reduced redundancy)
- swapped week navigation arrows from characters to HTML character codes for compatibility with GitHub (should really belong in a V0.4.17)
- added a few more title titles; changed "Hosted on Google Drive!" to "Hosted on GitHub!"
Previous Releases
These releases are all from before the move from Google Drive to GitHub. Some of the release dates are missing because I forgot to record them at the time and there's no way I'll be able to remember them now.
V0.4.16 (3/15/14)
- added special/alt schedules for April
- Wed 4/2: 31 (Alt for ASB Speeches (G9-11) and Mr. Keller presentation (G12))
- Fri 4/4: 51 (Alt for assembly)
- Tue 4/15: 21 (Alt for assembly)
- Thu 4/17: 45 (Alt for regatta)
- Fri 4/18: 54 (Alt for Spring Rally)
- Wed 4/23: 31 (Alt for Student Council speeches (G9-11) and graduation items (G12))
- fixed spring break only lasting a single day
- identified schedule 4??? (it's 45) and updated previous schedule on 10/17/13 accordingly
- fixed lunches and P5/6 being flipped on schedule 2 (reg. Tuesday)
- refactored lunch code to reduce redundancy
V0.4.15 (3/9/14)
- fixed typos in 34 schedule (LIFE)
- period 4 started 10 minutes early
- P3 instead of P8
V0.4.14 (3/4/14)
- fixed 21 alternate schedule (extra letter in time for lunches caused the period height to mess up)
- changed schedule for 3/4/14 from normal alternate to alternate alternate (21->21a; assembly instead of class meeting)
V0.4.13 (2/26/14)
- fixed special schedules for March
- added Wed 3/12: 34 (LIFE)
- fixed HOSCARS (shifted from Fri 3/28 to Thu 3/27; previous changelog entry did not reflect actual changes)
V0.4.12 (2/19/14)
- added alt/special schedules for March
- Tue 3/4: 21 (Assembly)
- Mon 3/10: 13 (Early Dismissal)
- Thu 3/13: 41 (Alt)
- Fri 3/14: 51 (Alt)
- Thu 3/27: 46 (HOSCARS)
V0.4.11 (2/18/14)
- changed schedule for 2/18/14 from 2 (regular) to 2a (school meeting)
V0.4.10 (2/11/14)
- shortened "Pres. Week Break" to "Pres. Wk. Break" to make it fit better in header
V0.4.09 (1/17/14)
- set Tuesday 1/21 to 2a (regular; school meeting instead of class meeting)
- added MLK Jr. Day, President's Week Break, and Spring Break for 2014
- changed time remaining to show seconds remaining instead of minutes during the last minute of a period
- expanded area of title title resetting in title
V0.4.06 (12/20/13)
- added special/alt schedules for January and February
- 53 (LIFE) for Friday 1/17
- 49 (LIFE) for Thursday 1/30
- 23 (AMC tests) for Tuesday 2/4
V0.4.05 (12/14/13)
- reverted header changes from previous version (they look bad)
- shortened schedule ID "Thanksgiving Break" to "THKGVG Break"; shortened final schedule ID's from "Finals 13-14 s1 dX" to "F14 s1dX"
- fixed syntax error in Thanksgiving break
V0.4.04 (12/14/13)
- closed table tag (oops. previously closed nonexistent div instead of the table.)
- made nav arrows wider (increased padding) and added hover animations
- moved schedule ID for days to next line; increased header row slightly (10px) to make things fit
- set schedule for Monday 12/16/13 to 1a
- added variation 1a of regular Monday schedule (school meeting replaced with extra help)
- added finals schedule for Tuesday 12/17/13 through Friday 12/20/13
- added winter/holiday break
- added easy way to set multi-day blocks of a single schedule (mostly for week-long breaks)
- updated names of a few previous breaks (fall break day, Thanksgiving break)
V0.4.03 (12/3/13)
- changed schedule of Friday 11/6/13 from 51 to 51d (lockdown drill)
- added to title titles
- fixed min table height in Firefox (apparently, Firefox completely ignores min styles in tables; setting height instead of min-height produces the effect expected from min-height)
- changed title of "refresh" button from "Refresh" to "Update Schedule" (more technically correct)
V0.4.01 (11/23/13)
- added special/alt schedules for December (alt Friday 12/6/13, alt Thursday 12/12/13, special 58 Friday 12/13/13, no school 12/17/13-12/20/13)
- added ability to refresh schedule
- added more title titles
- general code clean-up
- minor css fixes
- set Friday, 11/22/13, alt schedule to lockdown variant
- added Thanksgiving break (no school 11/25/13 through 11/29/13)
- added special schedule (47) on Thursday, 11/21/13 and alternate on Friday, 11/22/13
- fixed typo in regular Thursday schedule (p1 ended at 9:10 instead of 9:15)
V0.3.05 (10/30/13)
- added more title titles
- fixed centering of text in periods
- added Halloween color scheme
V0.3.04 (10/25/13)
- added alternate schedule for Friday, 11/1/13 and school meeting on Tuesday 10/29/13
V0.3.03 (10/25/13)
- improved handling of thin windows (sort of.)
- hid overflow for periods
- made header shrink when window is too narrow
V0.3.02 (10/24/13)
- fixed regular Monday schedule
V0.3.01 (10/24/13)
- fixed wording of future week correctness warning ("may not be incorrect" XD)
- added a couple more title titles
V0.3.00 (10/24/13)
- added support for viewing future/past weeks
- shows warning text on future weeks
- added more title titles
- changed font to Segoe UI if possible (still defaults to Arial otherwise)
- added schedule for Monday 10/28/13 (no school)
V0.2.10 (10/19/13)
- started keeping changelog
- made schedule for next week show on Saturdays
- added more title titles
V0.2.09 (10/18/13)
- added schedule for week of 10/20/13-10/26/13
- added more title titles; tweaked some existing ones
V0.2.08 (10/18/13)
- added title ("Bell Schedule") with randomly chosen title text
V0.2.07 (10/18/13)
- removed redundant code
- disabled debug code left in ### V0.2.06
!### V0.2.06 (10/17/13)
- fix bottom border of current period
V0.2.05 (10/17/13)
- fixed complete derping caused by ### V0.2.04
- change schedule id for Friday 10/17/13 to 4??? from 412049 (random string of numbers)
!!### V0.2.04 (10/17/13)
- failed attempt to reduce redundant looping
- allow schedule id's to be non-integers
V0.2.03 (10/17/13)
- fixed current period highlighting broken in ### V0.2.02
- fixed lunches for Friday 10/17/13 (both lunch periods were displayed as P6)
V0.2.02 (10/17/13)
- fixed schedule for Friday 10/17/13 (should be special, not alternate)
V0.2.01 (10/17/13)
- failed attempt to add favicon
V0.2.00 (10/17/13)
- vertically centered text in periods
V0.1.02 (10/16/13)
- added alternate/special schedules of previous weeks
V0.1.01 (10/16/13)
- initial release