With this module, you can use your flatbed scanner using Python.
This module uses a PowerShell script to execute the scan command.
you can say that this module works as an API for Powershell which can communicate with the scanner using WIA (Windows Image Acquisition).
Make sure your flatbed scanner is plugged in and ready to scan
well, that's it.
import scanny
>>> scanny.StartScan("Path"( where you want your image file to be saved) , "ImageName" )
Eg- scanny.StartScan('C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop','TestIamge')
(Optional, only for backward compatibility purposes)-
>>> scanny.Calibrate()
>>> scanny.size()
>>> scanny._calibration
>>> scanny._pixel_len
Currently this Python package only works for Windows 8 & Above.
Linux and MAC-OS compatibility is coming soon in the next version: 0.0.2.