A hand tracking module for OpenCV and Mediapipe. Contains various functions such as counting fingers, finding positions of landmarks (return a list), checking if the hand is grabbing, checking which direction the hand is dragging/swipping, etc.
findHands(): Finds and plots the skeletal structure on image. [Returns an Image]
findPosition(): Finds the position of each hand landmark. [Returns a list]
fingerCount(): Counts how many fingers are held up. Works best with upright hand. [Returns a list]
checkGrab(): Checks if the hand makes a grab gesture. [Returns a boolean]
checkGrabAlt(): Alternative method for checkGrab(). [Returns a boolean]
swipeDirection(): Checks which way the user swipes their hand while grabbing. [Returns a string]
center_of_mass(): Finds the center of mass of the hand, indicated by a red dot. [Returns a list]
palm_center(): Finds the center of the palm, indicated by a blue dot. [Returns a list]
dist(): Finds the distance between two points. [Returns a float]
- create detector object and then call
.findHands() and .findPosition()
at beginning of each OpenCV iteration. - Call the functions as needed, they can be called in the loop.
- Example:
# Declare stuff
detector = hm.HandDetector(detectionCon = 0.75, trackCon = 0.6)
while cap.isOpened():
success, frame = cap.read()
# You can change the display window size by resizing frame here.
img = detector.findHands(frame) # Draws hands onto img
detector.findPosition(frame, 2)
# do stuff:
# If you want to draw stuff or add text, draw it onto img, not frame.
cv.imshow('Video', img) # Display img.
The module is not perfect, support for multiple hands in the frame at the same time is still being developed. It will hopefully be updated regularly.