This is a peer-evaluation tool to allow students involved in VIP programs around the universiry to evaluate their team-members. This feedback will allow administrators and mentors to find problems in their teams, assess students performance, and monitor growth for returning students.
University VIP director (or their IT staff) can install the program using one html file or one folder and follow a few simple instructions to set up their “server-side” (firebase)
A VIP team mentor (research faculty member) can upload a roster of students from their team (csv, space separated, excel?) and view the results from their team.
A VIP team member can quickly evaluate each of their teammates
$scope.signIn: sign in with Google
$scope.authObj.$onAuthStateChanged : a watcher for auth state. Set the name as $scope.displayName and pic as $scope.userPic
- $scope.addOption:get the length of current array and add one more option to it
- $scope.saveQuiz
- $scope.saveLinearScale
- $scope.saveParagraph
- $scope.saveMultichoice
- $scope.saveDropdown
- $scope.saveCheckbox:save each type of data into the firebase
$scope.members:array of the (key,value) pair of members where key is the unique ID and value is an object containing member's infomation
$scope.addMemeber: control the show of the 'add member' button. And the input data would be set to default every time the button is clicked.
$scope.deleteMember: takes 2 parameters as (team, unique_id) to delete a member in firebase.
will return an data array of the reference -
firebaseService.pushData(ref, obj)
will push the object under the reference -
firebaseService.pushDataWithUniqueID(ref, obj)
will push the object under the reference with a unique ID generated by firebase
Scope variable assignment
- "=": data's double binding
- "@": variable assignment
- "&": function assignment
restrict: 'E' : the directive can only be used as an element, for example:
- Add quiz part:
- quizzesID: quiz name, such as quiz1, quiz2, midterm,etc
- 5 types of questions: linearScale, paragraph, multiple choices, dropdown, check box
- Quiz content part:
- questionId: unique ID created by firebase.
- nothing special
- checkBox.html:
: when this value is true, the directive is in the edit mode. Options can be added and defined - dropdown.html: almost same as checkBox
- linearScale.html: set
so that only 1 radio button will be chosen - multiChoices.html: same
- paragraph.html: same