issues Search Results · repo:HalfdanJ/ofxARCore language:C++
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inHalfdanJ/ofxARCore (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi,
Because this project does not seems to be maintained, I forked it, and added some new functionalities ( like Augmented
Images (with the new FULL_TRACKING feature )).
You can dl it from here: ...
- 8
- Opened on May 10, 2019
- #21
this is a little strange, I m still debugging it but thought I d mention it here. if you load an image after
arCore.setup() arcore seems to freeze when you close and reopen the app. You don t even need ...
- 13
- Opened on Apr 27, 2019
- #20
Hi there, I m trying to build the exampleBasic on a Google Pixel (Android 8.0.0) and I receive the following errors:
- error: unreported exception UnavailableArcoreNotInstalledException; must be caught ...
- 4
- Opened on Apr 2, 2019
- #19
I can t seem to compile the file, I get following error:
ERROR: Could not read script F:\Android\libs\openFrameworksCompiled\project\android\common-functions.gradle as it does
not exist.
It is referenced ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 19, 2019
- #18
Hi @HalfdanJ,
I hope all goes well, first of all, thank you very much for this. much appreciated!
to be able to compile the examples, i had to implement some exceptions on Session, this is the situation ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 15, 2018
- #16
I am trying to run exampleBasic on Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 7.0, Android Studio 3.0.1 from Mac OSX 10.9.5. I have
tried it with Tango Core - v 1.57 (arcore-preview.apk), ARCore - v 0.91.171204143 (arcore-preview2.apk) ...
- Opened on Mar 17, 2018
- #15
Code needs to be updated to ARCore 1.0. It seems like there is no longer a aar file that can be downloaded, but its now
instead done with gradle depenencies. But adding the tag
allprojects {
repositories ...
- 8
- Opened on Mar 11, 2018
- #13
pixel 2 xl phone - running android 8.1 installed arcore: adb install -r -d arcore-preview2.apk
adb shell pm list packages -f | grep tango package:/system/app/TangoCore/
- 1
- Opened on Feb 13, 2018
- #12
Thanks for putting this addon together, I m so close I can almost taste it.
I ve installed and built oF on OSX using Irene Alvarado s excellent guide and using your openframeworks repo. After some
gradle ...
- 4
- Opened on Dec 21, 2017
- #10

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