This application demonstrate tipical use cases of secure element in embedded hardware security. These use cases consists of:
Device Identification
Devices Authentication
Key generation for encrypted communication
Encrypted communication
The use cases are demonstrated based on Optiga trust X secure element and XMC4800 microcontroller from Infineon
- DAVE IDE: building application
- Console terminal program (TeraTerm is used)
- XMC4800 evaluation boards
- Optiga Trust X secure element
- Jumper wires, bread board and USB cables
- Import the project to DAVE IDE
- Compile, and flash the code to both XMC4800 boards
- Connect two boards via serial port
Start terminal with the following parameters:
- Baudrate: 115200
- Data: 8
- Stop: 1
- Parity: none
Hit reset on two boards, the information on the terminal shows the authentication process between the XMC and the Optiga. The process makes sure the application is executed on a genuine hardware.
- Type command "send_challenge" to let these 2 boards authenticate to each others
- type command "gen_key_pair" to issue a public/private key pair generation on the two boards
- Type command "gen_AES" to derive the AES key using ECCDH operation. Notice that, the key of both boards are the same although they never share this information with eacho other.
- Type "send_msg" to send secret message between the boards
- Initialize version
Quang Hai Nguyen
Field Application Engineer
Arrow Central Europe GmbH