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Alexandra Bozec edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the HYCOM-tools wiki!

Domain-independent source code for HYCOM pre/post processing.

HYCOM-tools is equivalent to the old hycom/ALL (or ALLcnl on Crays), HYCOM-tools/MPI is equivalent to the old hycom/ALLmpi. HYCOM-tools/ALT is available to use a different Make_all.src for bin and/or plot. On Crays, ALT/bin is equivalent to the old ALL/bin.
If you use ifort for most processing but use gfortran for NCAR graphics, ALT/plot is equivalent to the old ALLgnu/plot.

Since HYCOM-tools will always be backward compatible, you won't typically need multiple versions. It can go where ever you like, but one option is to clone directly into ~/HYCOM-tools:

git clone --recursive ~/HYCOM-tools

and then (optionally) softlink to ALL:
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools ~/hycom/ALL
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools/MPI ~/hycom/ALLmpi

or on a Crays:
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools ~/hycom/ALLcnl
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools/MPI ~/hycom/ALLmpi
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools/ALT ~/hycom/ALL
ln -s ~/HYCOM-tools/ALT ~/hycom/ALLgnu

Many programs read regional.grid.b at run-time to get idm and jdm for the particular region being processed. They may also read regional.grid.a to find the grid location.

The */src/Makefiles are configured to key on ../../config/$(ARCH)_setup for machine-dependent definitions, see the Config Setup wiki page. When running on (say) a Linux PC, ARCH is "intel*" and an individual make command for gfortran might be:
make zero ARCH=intelGF >& Make_zero.log

Typically almost all serial executables are created just once by editing Make_all.src in the HYCOM-tools root directory for the correct ARCH and then issuing the command csh Make_all.csh. This creates all executables in all source directories, except plot and those that depend on the NetCDF library (see below).

Programs in plot/src depend on NCAR graphics and link using the ncargf90 wrapper script that is distributed with the NCAR graphics package. It is often simplest to use gfortran for NCAR graphics, and ALT/plot is available for cases where the primary compiler for everything else is not gfortran. The plot programs are optional if you instead use your favorite graphics package, and so the plot directory is not included in Make_all.csh. See the Plot wiki page for details.

Make_all.csh in HYCOM-tools/bin does not use Make_all.src, and it may need editing to select the correct compiler. Running Make_all.csh in the HYCOM-tools root directory invokes HYCOM-tools/bin/Make_all.csh.

The executables that depend on the NetCDF library are optional. If you want to use netCDF, then edit HYCOM-tools/Make_ncdf.src for the correct location of the netCDF version 4.X library and then issuing the command csh Make_ncdf.csh. Running Make_ncdf.csh in the HYCOM-tools root directory creates all netCDF executables in all source directories, including HYCOM-tools/bin.

The multi-processor executables that depend on MPI are optional, and are in the MPI directory. Use them when the serial versions run out of memory, or run too slowely, or to make use of all cores on a single node.

For a complete make from source in a source directory, first issue the command make clean. This deletes all executables, .o and .mod files. A subsequent csh Make_all.csh (or make all) and csh Make_ncdf.csh (if necessary) builds all executables from scratch. Issuing the command csh Make_clean.csh in the HYCOM-tools root directory runs Make clean in each */src directory.

Any questions about how to do things: Questions

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