FabMaMiCo is a FabSim3 plugin for automated MaMiCo simulations. It provides a simple setup for installing and running single jobs, job ensembles and replicas of MaMiCo simulations on remote machines.
Please refer to the documentation.
Having FabSim3 installed on your local machine, you can install FabMaMiCo by running the following command in the FabSim3 directory:
fabsim localhost install_plugin:FabMaMiCo
Please be aware that this plugin is still under active development.
For development, please install the plugin locally by cloning the source code into the FabSim3-directory plugins/FabMaMiCo
Also update your plugins.yml
in fabsim/deploy/
in order to not overwrite the changes when updating FabSim3-plugins.
repository: <empty>
isort --profile hug --skip plugins/FabMaMiCo/tmp --check --diff -l 80 plugins/FabMaMiCo
pytest tests/test_fabsim.py