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Smile software workspace

This repository contains the software for the project Smile that is the basis for these papers:

Checkout and update from git

Initial checkout of the workspace

For an initial checkout, do:

git clone
cd SmileWorkspace
git submodule update --init --recursive

Updating the workspace

To update the workspace and all submodules, do:

cd SmileWorkspace
git fetch
git rebase
git submodule update --init --recursive

How to build


The code has been mainly developed under Ubuntu 20.04. These system packages are required to be installed before building the project:

  • Libxml2 (MIT License, Ubuntu-package libxml2-dev)
  • Qt5: LGPL (Also dual commercial license available, Ubuntu-package qt5-default)
  • qwt (LGPL with additions, Ubuntu-package libqwt-qt5-dev)
  • OpenSceneGraph (OSGPL, Ubuntu-package libopenscenegraph-dev)
  • Bullet Physics (Zlib, Ubuntu-package libbullet-dev)
mkdir -p <build-directory>
cd <build-directory>
cmake <repo-top-directory> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-dir>
make -j
make install

While it is not mandatory, we recommend adding build and install directories under the repositorie's top-level directory. This eases defining the paths:

cd <repo-top-directory> 
mkdir -p build install
cd build
cmake ..-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
make -j
make install


It also compiles for Windows (Visual Studio), please follow the instructions here.

MacOS / Apple

We use the homebrew package manager with these packages: Mandatory: cmake graphviz open-scene-graph pkgconf qt@5 qwt-qt5 zeromq Optional: xdot bullet asio doxygen eigen

Compile from terminal console:

cmake ../src/Smile/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.16/lib/cmake

Compile with Xcode:

cmake -G Xcode ../src/Smile/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.16/lib/cmake

How to run

C++ test program

cd install

You should now see a graphics window. If you hover the mouse over an object on the table, and type 'm' in the graphics window, you should be able to see the robot grasping it.

Python module test

This section explains how to run the simulator from a python console. First, start a python console from the install directory. In order to find the python module and the dependent library files, the path to the installation directory's library directory needs to be added. For Linux, the so files and the python module are located in the lib directory. For Windows, the dlls and the python module are located in the bin directory.

import platform
import sys

if platform.system() == "Linux":
elif platform.system() == "Windows":

Now we can import the pyAffaction module:

from pyAffaction import *

Now we can instantiate a simulator. The variables allow to configure it in various ways, please refer to the python module's documentation.

sim = LlmSim()
sim.noTextGui = True
sim.unittest = False
sim.useWebsocket = False
sim.speedUp = 3
sim.noLimits = False
sim.verbose = False

This brings up a graphics window (headless with sim.init(False)). To start the simulator's endless loop, type

You can do the above conveniently by calling

python -i ../src/AffAction/python/ 

Now, you can send commands to it on the console, for instance

sim.plan("get glass_red", True)

To stop it, use


To properly exit the python console, type

del b

Click here for more information and documentation of the python API.

Connect to simulator with python websocket client

See section Python virtual environment in src/AffAction/


The project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.

Licenses of dependencies

This repository includes several files and submodules with the licenses stated here. We include some mesh files of the kinova-ros and ros-kortex packages in the Meshes directory. These mesh files and these are licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License. We also include parts of the GeometricTools library (Wild Magic Engine version 5.17) through the WildMagic5p17 submodule. This code is licensed under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0. We include the pybind11 submodule to build the python wrappers. It is licensed under a BSD-3-Clause License. The websocketpp submodule is licensed unter a BSD-3-Clause License. The submodules AffAction, ESLib, Tropic, and Rcs come from ourselves and are licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.