customized paths for wordpress and woocommerce to use only the essential information in order to reduce the length of the response on plugin is defined "pending" user role is used for new registered users from api route "/wp-json/wpr-register"
before starting you need to install the dependencies run in the terminal the command in the project folder:
composer install
route: /wp-json/wpr-register
method: POST
required information:
"username": "my-username",
"email": "",
"password": "1234",
"repeat_password": "1234",
"plugin_token": "MySuperSecretToken"
optional 'name' information ex:
"name": "my name",
"username": "my-username",
"email": "",
"password": "1234",
"repeat_password": "1234",
"plugin_token": "MySuperSecretToken"
NOTE: plugin_token is a constant defined REST_API_WORDPRESS_PLUGIN_TOKEN in file
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-posts
method: GET
informations for get posts:
"post_type": "my_custom_post_type",
"numberposts": 5,
"include_metas": "[my_meta_key, acf_key, color_title]",
"page": 0,
"search": "any keywords"
NOTE: all of this informations is optional and for "include_metas" use meta_key defined in your site
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-post
method: GET
informations for get post:
"post_id": 10,
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-post-meta
method: GET
informations for get post meta:
"post_id": 10,
"meta_key": "my_meta_key"
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-taxonomy
method: POST
informations get taxonomy:
"taxonomy": "my_taxonomy_slug",
"hide_empty": "1"
NOTE: "hide_empty" can have "0" or "1" equivalent false or true
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-products
method: POST
informations get woocommerce products:
"numberposts": 5,
"category": "my_category_slug",
"page": 0,
"search": "any keywords"
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-product
method: POST
informations get woocommerce product:
"product_id": 10,
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-product-content
method: GET
informations get woocommerce product content:
"product_id": 10,
route: /wp-json/wpr-get-cart
method: POST
route: /wp-json/wpr-update-cart
method: POST
informations get woocommerce product content:
"cart": (use format from route /wp-json/wpr-get-cart),
route: /wp-json/wpr-add-to-cart
method: POST
informations get woocommerce product content:
"product_id": 10,
"variation_id": 0,
"qty": 1
route: /wp-json/wpr-chackout-fields
method: GET
additional information is not required for this request
route: /wp-json/wpr-payment-gateway
method: GET
route: /wp-json/wpr-create-order
method: POST
route: /wp-json/wpr-stripe-payment
method: POST