To implement AlexaForce, the handleRequest(Model.AlexaRequest req)
method must be overriden in a class extending alexaforce.AlexaForce
Most of the code samples in the docs will assume a context within such an extension.
global class DevSkill extends alexaforce.AlexaForce {
global override alexaforce.Model.AlexaResponseBody handleRequest(alexaforce.Model.AlexaRequest req) {
alexaforce.Model.AlexaResponseBody resp;
createLog('##Handler## Request Type', req.type);
if (req.type == 'LaunchRequest') {
resp = getLaunchRequestResponse(req);
} else if (req.type == 'IntentRequest') {
resp = getIntentRequestResponse(req);
} else if (req.type == 'SessionEndedRequest') {
resp = getSessionEndedResponse(req);
} else {
resp = getDefaultResponse(req);
return resp;
Contains the userId. This value will be uniquely assigned each time the skill is enabled and reset when the skill is disabled.
The request id from Alexa. Used as a key for alexaforce__Request_Log__c records.
The application id which should correspond with a matching alexaforce__Alexa_Skill__mdt.
System.assertEquals(AlexaSkillConfig.alexaforce__Application_Id__c, applicationId);
Returns null
in case of insufficient permissions, or other errors. See PermissionManager Reference.
Returns an alexaforce.Model.AlexaAddress when successfull.
Returns null
in case of insufficient permissions, or other errors. See PermissionManager Reference.
Returns an alexaforce.Model.AlexaAddress when successfull.
Queues an alexaforce__Log_Entry__c to be inserted after returning the response. Entries will be grouped under the alexaforce__Request_Log__c for the corresponding request id.
void createLog(String title, String msg)
Input | Description |
title (String) | Used as name for the log entry |
msg (String) | Used as the Message__c for the log entry |
createLog('##In My Custom Skill##', 'My message');
Token Providers may be used in an alexaforce.Alexa_Skill__mdt for the request verification endpoint. Token Providers of type APEX should implement alexaforce.TokenGenerator.