- [Added] AddStream and RemoveStream APIs
- [Added] Release API is called automatically when stopping the Editor, changing scenes or closing the app
- [Added] EventVideoSizeChange - eventInfo.param3 is catching the internal rotation value of the original video
- [Added] HISPLAYER_EVENT_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGE and EventVideoSizeChange.
- This event occurs whenever the internal video size of the current track changes
- [Added] New HISPlayer Video Uploader feature. Turn local videos into streaming videos such as HLS or DASH. This videos are going to be stored in our server for you. Please, on the Editor refer to:
- [Improvement] Optimized HISPlayer Settings log messages
- [Improvement] Optimized Event and Error listeners
- [Improvement] Optimized license checking
- [Improvement] Optimized HISPlayer API function commentaries to be more clear
- [Improvement] Optimized runtime log messages
- [Improvement] Improvement of software robustness
- [Added] Local Playback Persistent Datapath support
- [Added] URL_EXTENSION, HLS and DASH MIME Types support. Please, refer to HISPlayerMimeTypes on HISPlayer API
- [Added] HISPlayerError.HISPLAYER_ERROR_NETWORK_FAILED and ErrorNetworkFailed(HISPlayerErrorInfo errorInfo) event callback
- It indicates if there is no Internet when starting the application
- [Improvement] Optimized HISPlayer Settings
- A warning message will be displayed in case a field required by HISPlayer SDK is missing
- [Added] New API to change video content using the URL string as a parameter:
- ChangeVideoContent(int playerIndex, string url)
- [Improvement] Optimized error logs
- [Added] AutoTransition and LoopPlayback APIs
- [Added] Unity 2023 support
- [Improvement] Improvement of software robustness
- [Improvement] Improvement of software robustness
The macOS SDK is moved to multiplatform HISPlayerSDK (Android, iOS, macOS, WebGL, Windows)
Starting from version 3.0.0, the macOS SDK is part of multiplatform SDK
- [Added] License key input field.
- [Added] Playback Speed Controller. Values must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 8.
- void SetPlaybackSpeedRate(int playerIndex, float speed)
- float GetPlaybackSpeedRate(int playerIndex)
- [Added] Initial release of HISPlayer MacOS SDK for Unity.