Through this guide, you will be introduced how to update the SDK if you already have installed the SDK previously. Please, restart the Editor before continuing.
Remove the previous HISPlayer SDK package from Unity Package Manager.
Window > Package Manager > Packages - HISPlayer > HISPlayer SDK > Remove
Importing the new package is the same as importing other normal packages in Unity. Select the package of HISPlayer SDK and import it.
Assets > Import Package > Custom Package > HISPlayerSDK.unitypackage
Open the window Tools > HISPlayer located in the upper side of the screen > Click on Player Settings Configuration > Select Build Target to Android > Set all the required settings.
By selecting Android target 33, Unity is going to ask you to update (in the case you don't have the SDK 33 installed). Please, press "Update Android SDK" button.
If you received a license key from HISPlayer, please input the license key in the License Key field.
If the license key is not valid, the player won’t work and will throw an error message. License key is not required for Unity Editor usage.
After updating the SDK, check whether you have a shader error that is attached to the material. For example as image below:
If you have this issue, please re-attach the correct shader to the material.