HEPTAconnect is a framework to build applications on a data flow between different APIs. Its target audience is mainly developers. These developers are eventually building solutions for non-technical humans. Building UIs takes time and should not be done over and over again.
We provide a way to simplify building UIs for non-technicians interacting with a HEPTAconnect portal node using the web browser. To integrate well with HEPTAconnect projects the same Architecture Decision Records are applied from HEPTAconnect core development. Therefore this package follows the low-code approach like HEPTAconnect. This UI has to be exchangeable per portal node as no Web UI development stack shall be enforced by the HEPTAconnect core packages.
- This package integrates well into HEPTAconnect projects
- It is flexible in development and integration of different portals
- This package will not be runnable well without HEPTAconnect