Master thesis of Mathias Haugbråten and Håkon Caspari
The code added in the Functions folder provides all code that is needed to create and run simulations that this thesis builds upon. To be able to fully utilize the program, weather data in nc.files must be utilized and the data from them extracted using functions in the code. AIS data and coordinates for specific ports must be gathered by the user. Both these dattaformats are included to some degree, but as .nc files are very large, they are not added to this repository. Data will be saved in folders, and the method used for automatically saving files to specific places may be found in Output files and the file code section. The code is made to run using a windows operating system, and will perhaps have dificulty running on other OS's. Notice that all simulations are started in the main file, here, the simulation parameters may be set as one whishes.
Best of luck.
Regards, Håkon and Mathias