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cjschu17 edited this page Jun 6, 2014 · 7 revisions

Organization of main tasks, F2013

github repositories

In addition to this repository for work on Geneva 49, we have a second repository for work on VadSlg298 here.

Bifolio images

We should complete creating bifolio images for all bifolio spreads.
The project issue tracker lists all missing bifolios.
Files should be created with GIMP (or a GIMP clone like Seashore on the Mac), saved as .xcf files, and a second copy exported to .png format.

sam16 can upload images to; neelsmith can then convert them to pyramidal files that can be added to our image service.

Expanding our codex model

We should work out how we want to organize this task. We should add information about the quire organization of the codex.

XML Editing

When we begin working on our edition of the text, we should start with the first Olympic games. This starts on folio 68 verso.

Find a guide to XML editing on this manuscript here