Demonstration of MIP web portal and its environment running inside a Vagrant Virtual machine.
install Ansible version 2.2.0 or better. On Ubuntu you can use the script ./common/scripts/
install VirtualBox version 5.0 or better
install Vagrant version 1.8.5 or better
install vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
start the virtual machine with Vagrant
vagrant up
After upgrading the Linux kernel in your system you may encounter this message when running a Vagrant command:
The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine
'airflow' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The
reason is shown below:
VirtualBox is complaining that the installation is incomplete. Please
run `VBoxManage --version` to see the error message which should contain
instructions on how to fix this error.
To fix it, you need to rebuild a module for Virtualbox using this command:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox-dkms linux-headers-generic
The virtual machine should start and install the MIP portal.
The portal should be accessible from localhost:18080
Marathon can be accessed on localhost:15080
TODO: provide example data and some tests
Portal | Organisation | License | Management | Continuous integration |
portal-specs | ||||
portal-backend | ||||
portal-frontend | ||||
bootstrap-mip-app | ||||
sunburst |
Ansible inventory controls what software is installed and how it is configured.
It is organised by hosts (servers) and groups.
Here, we have the following organisation:
- demo: the target host, running inside a Vagrant Virtual machine
- managed: a group containing demo, indicating that the server is managed by Ansible and should be applied a default configuration and a set of base sofware packages
- control: a group containing demo, indicating that this server is used to perform operations affecting the whole cluster (here we have a 'cluster' of one machine)
- zookeeper, mesos-mixed: groups that are used to define where and how the Mesos stack is deployed
- meta-db, research-db, portal-db, portal-backend, portal-frontend: groups that are used to define which applications should be deployed by Marathon