(U) Source code for HACC 2017 contributions to Department of Health soil inspections
The ultimate goal is to automate the risk assessment of land intended for development based on soil analsis. Current procedures are found here:
This project builds upon and improves upon the spreadsheet EAL Surfer (HDOH Summer 2016rev Jan 2017).xlsx
, found here: http://eha-web.doh.hawaii.gov/eha-cma/documents/b4061863-2cd0-4880-8af3-f969d71aa27a
From the command line
git clone https://github.com/HACC17/SurfGeckos.git
cd SurfGeckos
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd djangosite
# create local .sqlite db
python manage.py migrate
# create a superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser
# load a copy of our test database
python manage.py loaddata db.json
# start server
python manage.py runserver
HEER can modify data in the admin portion,
To view the user dialogue, go to
You can create a site report and then print a pdf of the report from your browser.
Everything works with SQLite by default. To use MongoDB, it must be installed and running on your computer. To run from a command line:
Auxillary files in the src
Loads excel file into MongoDB or SQLite database
To use as a module:
from excel2db import Loader myfile = <excel file> mydb = <database name> Loader(myfile, mydb)
SQLite is the default. To use MongoDB:
Loader(myfile, mydb, mongo=True)
From the command line:
python excel2db.py <excel file>
python excel2db.py <excel file> --mongo
To use as a module:
from compiler import SurferReport report = SurferReport(input_data) report.record
From the command line (tests code on sample input):
python compiler.py