A separate game for MineTest implementing space travels, ship building, space combats and etc.
It is currently on an early development stage and can take long before it will be at least somehow playable.
- Basic game with custom map generation.
- Space traveling by performing subspace jumps.
- Gravity.
- Space ships and space stations.
- Respawn adjustments.
- Ship/station security.
- Atmosphere system.
- Energy usage for all ship parts.
- Stations founding.
- Full custom map generation including space stations, asteroids, NPC ship encounters.
- Trading system.
- Equipment and block tiering (like armor levels for ship hull and different engines).
- Ship weapons (and the ability to control it either directly or from targeting).
- More NPC-s (hiring your crew, NPC-ships crew, etc.).
- Planet landing.
- Multiple solar systems.
- Hyperspace (frow which you can ether jump to any coordinate in current system or even go to another system).