Minecraft PvP Elo rank system Plugin created by Grzybol
Minecraft version 1.18.2+
Dependencies: PlaceholderAPI, BetterRanks
There are no special permissions required to use the following Player commands.
- [ENG] Returns your ranking info.
- [PL] Zwraca info o Twoim rankingu
/be <player>
- [ENG] Returns ranking info about the given player.
- [PL] Zwraca info rankingu danego gracza.
/be info
- [ENG] Returns plugin info.
- [PL] Zwraca info o pluginie.
/be top<n>
- [ENG] Returns ranking info about the player at the given position.
- [PL] Zwraca info o graczu na danym miejscu w rankingu.
/be top10
- [ENG] Returns top 10 players from the ranking.
- [PL] Zwraca info o top 10 graczy rankingu.
/be claim
- [ENG] Claim your rewards! Remember to empty your inventory!!
- [PL] Odbierz swoje nagrody! Pamiętaj wyczyścić ekwipunek przed!!
/be timeleft
- [ENG] Returns time left to the giveaway.
- [PL] Zwraca pozostały czas do rozdania nagród.
/be daily
- [ENG] Returns top 10 daily ranking.
- [PL] Zwraca info o top 10 rankingu dziennego.
/be weekly
- [ENG] Returns top 10 weekly ranking.
- [PL] Zwraca info o top 10 rankingu tygodniowego.
/be monthly
- [ENG] Returns top 10 monthly ranking.
- [PL] Zwraca info o top 10 rankingu miesięcznego.
/be event
- return info about your postiion in evnet (if active)
/be setrewards
- Opens rewards GUI configuration for all timed rankings (daily, weekly, monthly) and positions (top1, top2, top3, top4-10). IMPORTANT! "Reset" button is resetting the specified ranking type timer without handing out prizes. "Redeem" is both resetting the timer and handing out prizes.
/be ban <player>
/be add <player> <points> <main/daily/weekly/monthly>
/be sub <player> <points> <main/daily/weekly/monthly>
/be startevent <duration> <timeunit>
/be stopevent
IMPORTANT!! I hardcoded 10s interval for checking placeholders - lemme know if you want it to be configurable in config file
returns the player's main ranking points%be_player_daily%
returns the player's daily ranking points%be_player_weekly%
returns the player's weekly ranking points%be_player_monthly%
returns the player's monthly ranking points%be_rank%
returns the player's main ranking%be_rank_daily%
returns the player's daily ranking%be_rank_weekly%
returns the player's weekly ranking%be_rank_monthly%
returns the player's monthly ranking%be_player_top<n>%
returns the player's nickname at position<n>
in ranking%be_points_top<n>%
returns the player's points at position<n>
in ranking%be_daily_tl%
returns time left on daily rewards timer - automatically converts to D-M-S format%be_weekly_tl%
returns time left on weekly rewards timer - automatically converts to D-M-S format%be_monthly_tl%
returns time left on monthly rewards timer - automatically converts to D-M-S format%be_event_tl%
returns time left on event rewards timer - automatically converts to D-M-S format%be_event_daily%
returns the player's event ranking%be_event_monthly%
returns the player's event ranking points