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@Griefed Griefed released this 21 Dec 10:00
· 17 commits to 1.12.2 since this release

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 3.0.1


  • FancyBlockOverlay - No longer on Curse

  • Terra - No longer on Curse


  • Default Options: Removed entries referring to the SCP Customized (Now SCP Complementary) and ConnectedTexturesPack

For changelogs of previous versions, check:

Or have fun scrolling down:

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 3.0

As always with updated mods, you may need to type "/fml confirm" into your server console, because a mod may have removed something.
So check your console before saying "It's bugged/it doesn't work!!11!11!1"

-MalisisBlocks |
-MalisisSwitches |
-Quark |
-Minecraft Comes Alive |
-RadixCore (Minecraft Comes Alive dependency) |
-End Portal Decoration Block |
-JM Fixer for Servers (Fixes a server-side bug of JourneyMap) |
-Avaritia Tweaks |
-FTB Lib |
-FTB Utilities |
-Controlling |

-Antique Atlas
-Thermal Dynamics
-ProjectRed Mechanical

-Biomes O' Plenty
-Brandons Core
-Chisels And Bits
-Custom Main Menu
-Draconic Evolution
-Dynamic Surroundings
-FTB Utilities
-Immersive Railroading
-Industrial Foregoing
-Just Enough Harvestcraft
-Just Enough Items
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod

-WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 2 to: 2.1.2

-Shoggoth Ooze slowly reverts to dirt after constant light exposure.
-Configured Quark and stuff.
-Removed the power multiplier of Stargates for inter-dimensional travel.
-Chisels now have infinite durability. It's a cosmetic thing, the chisel stuff. It shouldn't use up durability like it did before. Also works great with the Auto-Chisel now. You will need to delete any damaged chisel still flying around as they will have broken textures, probably.
-Increased the multiplier for the Storage Drawer Upgrades.
-Added Oreberry bushes for different stuffs.
-Updated the SCP Dimensions list.
-Updated the GettingStarted loadout to include the Minecraft Comes Alive books.
-Increase the max radius for ThutTech elevators to 7, so now you can make 15x15 big elevators.
-Timestamps no longer displays the seconds at which a message was posted in chat. Format is now HH:mm
-Disabled Avaritia grabbing additional ingredients for the foodstuffs recipes. A bit sad that it's easier now, but then again....the recipe for the Cosmic Meatballs didn't work unless I made this change, so... sadface
-Increased the range of Immersive Engineering's Steel Cable Coil to 64. It's for decorative purposes, mainly.
-Disabled the update checker for Dynamic Surroundings
-Enabled speech bubbles for players. They will appear when you say something in chat.
-Enabled Mystical Agriculture & Agradditions integration for Integration Foregoing.
-Various small things that really don't need to be listed individually. Example: Disabled update checker for Lunatrius Core(Schematica).
-Enabled MalisisDoors 3d models.
-Fake players can use Mystical Agriculture's watering can.
-Openblocks Skyblocks should render even when you use OptiFine.
-Stargates should no longer load their own chunks. You may have to manually load them with chunk loaders. I disabled this because Ruins randomly spawns Stargates in the world and this would, over time, increase the RAM load of your client/server.

Added/Changed recipes for:
-Added recipes for Cosmic Meatballs & Ultimate Stew
-Added recipes for MalisisDoors Carriage Door and Medieval Door
-Added Extreme-Crafting recipes for Creative Reactor Creative Coolant Port, Creative Turbine Creative Steam Generator, Creative Drum and Creative Capacitor

Mod jars that can safely be deleted. You will still be able to play on any SCP server matching this version. These mods are client side only:
WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition
LunatriusCore (Can only be deleted if Schematica is also deleted)
ResourceLoader (Can only be deleted if CustomMainMenu is also deleted)

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.61

There will never be an update that goes by without any f*ing trouble, will there?

Had to revert Applied Energistics and Extra Cells to their previous versions, the ones used in SCP 2.5, because the new versions broke too many things.

The Wireless Crafting Terminal from Extra Cells, when in Crafting mode, wouldn't let you pull or push items from/in the computer. Advanced Inscribers from AE2 Stuff stopped working and so on and so forth.

The Dev for AE2 Stuff has been inactive for many months as well, so we'll probably never get an updated version again...sigh

As always with updated mods, you may need to type "/fml confirm" into your server console, because a mod may have removed something.
So check your console before saying "It's bugged/it doesn't work!!11!11!1"

Reverted to previous versions:
-Applied Energistics
-Extra Cells 2

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.6

As always with updated mods, you may need to type "/fml confirm" into your server console, because a mod may have removed something.
So check your console before saying "It's bugged/it doesn't work!!11!11!1"

Updated Forge to


-Construct's Armory
Think Tinkers' Construct, but for armor!

Found some nice building on PlanetMinecraft or have a Schematic of one of your builds you want to build somewhere else?
This mod gives you a ghost-like ingame preview of said schematics, allowing you to rebuild it.

-LunatriusCore (required by Schematica)

Adds some powerful tools powered by RedstoneFlux. Start your generators!

-McJtyLib (required by RFTools & Not Enough Wands)

-Not Enough Wands
Some interesting and fun wands. Can only be found in chests in this modpack.

Remember Tinkers' Mechworks? This is basically that, but for 1.12.2. Love me some drawbridges.

-Mouse Tweaks
Seriously, why didn't I include this mod from the very beginning? O.o Inventory management,
or rather emptying your inventory, just became so much easier!

-Camera Obscura
Take pictures and place them in frames to decorate your world/server!

-The Twilight Forest
Twilight Forest is a dimension exploration mod focused on adventure that will take you on a journey meeting strange creatures,
exploring dungeons, and much more than able to be listed.

-DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod
It's back! It's finally back!

-Custom Mob Spawner (required by Mo'Creatures)

Allows you to create custom loadouts which will be given to a player the first time they log in to a world/server

Improves performance of the vanilla furnace. Just like FastWorkbench.

-Mystical Agriculture
Plant and harvest all the resources!

-Mystical Agradditions
Addon for Mystical Agriculture. Harvest even more stuff!

-Cucumber (required by Mystical Agriculture)

-Applied Energistics 2
-Better Foliage
-Chisel and Bits
-Connected Texture Mod
-Default Options
-Dynamic Surroundings
-Extra Utilities 2
-Forge Multipart
-Immersive Engineering
-Industrial Foregoing
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
-Pam's Harvestcraft
-Thermal Cultivation
-Thermal Dynamics
-Thermal Expansion
-Thermal Foundation
-Thermal Innovation
-Tinker Tool Leveling
-WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition

-Boss mobs now have a chance to drop their souls. Use with caution.
-Disabled the welcome message of the MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod.
-Disabled starting books from various mods and replaced them with an Akashic Tome containing even more manuals, guides, nomicons etc. Given to you when you first load into a new world/server. See "Loadout" under "Added".
-Updated the default options. Should you wish to recieve them, simply delete your options.txt in the install folder of this modpack.
-Changed the range of the Coin of Fortune to that of the Item Dislocator from Draconic Evolution
-Disabled the ores of the Drawbridges mod. We don't need more copper or tin ores.
-Configured and removed recipes for Not Enough Wands. You need to find them in Chests throughout the world.
-Disabled the ExtremeReactors fuel rod rendering, fuel rod particle effects and turbine particle effects.
-Fiddled with the keybindings. Delete your options.txt to recieve them.
-Changed the Magical Forest from Thaumcraft back to it's blue(1.7.x) form. We have enough green in our worlds, time for a change!

Added/Changed recipes for:
-Added a recipe to Dragon Breath. It's rather expensive.
-Added recipes for the various heads/skulls
-Removed recipes for Not Enough Wands. See above.
-Added a recipe for the Drawbridges Hammer.
-Changed the recipe for the EnderIO Photovoltaic Plate to only use 1 Photovoltaic Powder. Tripled the energy consumption to balance things out a bit.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.5

As always with updated mods, you may need to type "/fml confirm" into your server console, because a mod may have removed something.
So check your console before saying "It's bugged/it doesn't work!!11!11!1"

Updated Forge to version


-Wireless Crafting Terminal
-thutcore & thuttech
-Pam's Harvestcraft
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
-Immersive Railroading
-Extra Utilities
-Extra Bit Manipulation
-Dynamic Surroundings
-Draconic Evolution
-Cooking For Blockheads
-Chisel And Bits
-Brandons Core

-Increased the capacity of Mekanism's Ultimate Pipes

Added/Changed recipes for:
-Added an alternative recipe for the Stargate RF Power Unit

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.41

Removed the Arcade mod because it's a buggy mess when used on a server. Sorry! sigh
It kept crashing the server, my friends client, my client etc. It's a sweet and cute mod, but it's way too buggy and unsafe to use.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.4

As always with updated mods, you may need to type "/fml confirm" into your server console, because a mod may have removed something.
So check your console before saying "It's bugged/it doesn't work!!11!11!1"

-Akashic Tome
-Arcade Mod
-AutoRegLib (Psi dependence)
-Better Placement
-Custom Discord RPC
-DeathQuotes / Death Quotes
-Default Options
-Doomlike Dungeons
-Ender Storage 1.8+
-Flat Colored Blocks
-Iron Chests
-Lapis Stays In The Enchanting Table
-Multi-Hotbar (Here's how it works:
-Multi-Hotbar Core
-Open Modular Passive Defense
-p455w0rd's Library (Wireless Crafting Terminal dependence)
-Unlimited Chisel Works
-Wireless Crafting Terminal

-Chisel and Bits
-CodeChicken Lib 1.8+
-Defiled Lands
-Ender IO
-Extra Bit Manipulation
-Extra Utilities
-Forge Multipart CBE
-Immersive Engineering
-Immersive Railroading
-Industrial Foregoing
-Just Enough Items (JEI)
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
-Open Modular Passive Defense
-Open Modular Turrets
-Pam's Harvestcraft
-Reborn Core

-Changed some texture for the Stargate Atlantiscraft mod.
-Changed the music for the main menu.
-Changed the panorama background in the main menu to something a little more colourful.
-Cleaned up the SCP Modlist.txt as well as the overview page for the modpack on the Technic website
-Configured "Custom Discord RPC" to show that you're playing SCP in Discord. If you don't use Discord, you can ignore this.
-Configured Better Placement so holding down the right mouse button works like in Vanilla Minecraft, but with the benefits of Better Placement
-Configured Default Options and FoamFix.cfg accordingly. You no longer have to worry about backing up your options/keybinds. Fresh installations of this pack (=> no existing options.txt) will now get the default options/keybinds I specified.
-Configured FancyBlockOverlay. Looks 20% cooler now.
-Disabled Actually Additions, AgriCraft, EvilCraft, Ex Nihilo, Forestry, Immersive Petroleum, Matter Overdrive, Mystical Agradditions & Agriculture, Ore Shrubs, Silent Gems, RFTools, Rustic and Simple Corn integration for Integration Foregoing. These aren't present in this modpack.
-Disabled Game Stages and ProjectE integration for AbyssalCraft. Same reason as for Tinkers' Construct.
-Disabled The One Probe integration for Tinkers' Construct. I mean, The One Probe is not part of this pack, so why have that enabled, eh?
-Enabled Heatscar Spiders. Have fun!
-For you Creative Mode users out there: There's now a Creative version of the Thaumonomicon that grants you all the research when you first use it.
-Less Forgiving Void should now only work in the Overworld. The last time I fell into the void in The End, it corrupted my playerdata, forcing me to reset it. Just glad it didn't corrupt the world...
-Reduced the fall damage you take after falling into the void. (not by much, though)
-Removed the german splash texts/translated some.
-Should Minecraft crash, you will now be brought back to the Main Menu. VanillaFix be praised. The panorama in the backgrounds stops spinning though. Wonder what that's all about.
-Soul Sand can now be hoed with any how. Frankly, the NetherEx hoe just breaks way too quickly.
-Stargates now stay open for 38 minutes just like in the show, unless you close them, of course.
-Thaumcraft Wand Dial is now on the bottom left, instead of the top left. Potion effects are on the top left too, so these two kinda clashed.
-The Auto Chisel now requires power.
-The event horizon of Stargates is no longer see-through.
-The game should no longer tell you that the in-game wiki mod is not installed.
-The NoMoreRecipeConflict cycle button now only shows up when there's a conflict.

Added recipes for:
-CustomNPCs Carpentry Bench, NPC Wand, NPC Mob Cloner, NPC Scripter, NPC Pather, NPC Mounter, NPC Teleporter
-MalisisAdvert Advertblock - BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU PLACE THEM! THEY CAN ONLY BE DESTROYED IN CREATIVE MODE! TREAT THEM LIKE BEDROCK! I am not responsible if you mess up your base/server/world/whatever.
-Portal Blocks mod in case it ever gets fixed to work on a server. No, the mod is not included in the pack. Recipes added for: Floorbutton, Portal Door, Pedestal Button, White Panel,, White Panel Grid, Double White Panel, Black Panel, Black Panel Grid, Double Black Panel, Double Panel Stained, Light, Exposed Yellow Frame, Exposed Black Frame, Quad Black Panel, as well as some reverse crafting for some of these. (Black Panel->Black Panel Grid->Black Panel, you get the idea)

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.31

Had to downgrade MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod as the newest version crashes the server when a player joins. Singleplayer is fine, just the server is acting up.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.3

Updated to 2.3

Updated Forge to


MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
LibEx (NetherEx Library)
Draconic Evolution
Brandons Core (Draconic Evolution)

-Sorry for updating the pack again so soon. Fixing the typo was imperative, though. You wouldn't have been able to progress through EnderIO without the fix.
Again, I'm really sorry!

-JustEnoughIDs fixed the problem I had with Terra, hooray! \o/
From the project page: "JustEnoughIDs is a lightweight mod that removed the block, item, and biome ID limits by using the 1.13 chunk format in 1.12."
That's exactly what I wanted!
Problem was: There are just too many biomes in the pack! Yeah, we have so many biomes, the standard 1.12.2 version of Minecraft can't handle it. :D
JustEnoughIDs fixed that.


SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.2

Updated to version 2.2

Added mods:
AbyssalCraft Integration (for, you guessed it, AbyssalCraft)
Chisel & Bits
Extra Bit Manipulation (yup...that's for Chisel & Bits)
LibEx (NetherEx Library Mod)

Updated mods:
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
EnderCore & EnderIO
Connected Textures Mod

Changed the recipe for the ArchitectureCraft Large Pulley
Added a recipe to craft Aluminum Ingots with Aluminum Nuggets

-Terra, installed version 1.1.9, will most likely never be updated to 2.0. As much as I would love to.
It crashes Minecraft and I don't know why. My guess is that it's because 2.0 adds a bunch of new
biomes and that these just exceed the amount of biomes Forge/Minecraft can handle, but I really don't
know. Do you have experience with Minecraft crash-reports and would like to help me maybe fix that problem?
If so, here's the crash-report I get whenever I update Terra to 2.0:
Contact me on Twitter with @Griefed_ if you got anything.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.1

Updated some mods, changed the main menu a bit, general polishing.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.02

Fiddled with the configs some more. Who'd have thought that Bedrock would ever be needed/useful to have? Looking at you, EnderIO. Want Bedrock? Go to the Nether!

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.01

Fiddled with the configs to (hopefully) prevent some crashes as well as improving world building

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 2.0

Updated the pack to 1.12.2 - Please completely reinstall this pack if you are updating from any version prior to 2.0!

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 1.45

Removed UndergroundBiomesConstructs-1.7.2-0.7 as it stopped the Ender Quarry from Extra Utilities from working.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 1.4

Downgraded ExtraUtilities from 1.2.12 to 1.2.11 to fix the Ender Quarries.

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 1.35

added ProjectRed World...can't use ProjectRed if the ores don't exist :P

added Cookingbook/Cooking for Blockheads to make Pam's Harvestcraft easier

SCP - Survive, Create, Prosper has been updated to version 1.3

added OpenModularTurrets, FullscreenWindowed, SecurityCraft