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YOLOX detection GAP inference

This repository contains the code for the inference of YOLOX Nano on GVSOC. Also, it can be used to quantize both RGB1 and BAYER2 version of yolox model.

The input image resolution is QVGA and the output is the bounding box/es of detected people on the image. The model has been trained on the part of COCO dataset that contains only people. The RGB model has a mAP of 0.3 on the val set of COCO dataset.

[1] RGB version of yolox model is trained on the RGB images of COCO dataset.

[2] BAYER version of yolox model is trained on the BAYER type of COCO dataset (see description about BAYER type of COCO dataset in Quantization part). Can be used to detected people on raw images from a camera with some accuracy loss.



In order to able to run th inference on GVSOC, one needs to make sure that GAP_SDK is installed. Once this requirement is satisfied, one needs to run the following command:

source <GAP_SDK_HOME>/configs/

In order to run quantization part of this repository, one needs to install some python dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Input & output data format


Input Image Description
extension .ppm
data type uint8
image height 240
image width 320
number of image channels 3
channel order RGB
Model Ouput Description in CI mode
extension .bin
data type float32
output lenght 7 * DO3


Input Image Description
extension .ppm
data type uint8
image height 240
image width 320
number of image channels 3
channel order RAW BAYER demosaiced


Model Ouput Description in CI mode
extension .bin
data type float32
output lenght 7 * DO3

[3]: DO - Detected Objects. It is a variable that depends on the number of people in the input image. The maximum value of DO can not exceed top_k_boxes defined here. Moreover one can choose the value of top_k_boxes according to use case. For examle if one is sure that maximux number of people in the input image will not exceed 50 then one can set top_k_boxes to 50. This will reduce meory usage.

The output of the model is a binary file with the name output.bin in the out directory. This file contains the bounding boxes of the detected people in the input image. The bounding boxes are represented in a sequence of 7 repeating elements. See the first 7 elements of the output file for an example:

x1 y1 x2 y2 objectness score class score 1

where x1 and y1 are the coordinates of the top left corner of the bounding box, x2 and y2 are the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the bounding box, objectness score is the score of the bounding box and class score is the score of the class of the detected object. The last column is always 1 indicating class id.

Inference Mode

In this mode the application runs the model with one input image from file and writes the bounding boxes result to a binary file and the image (with bounding boxes). To change the image on which the model is run, you can change the variable TEST_INPUT_FILE_NAME in CMakeLists.txt.

The paths of the binary file containing the predicted bounding boxes and the image are defined in the CMakeLists.txt and by default are respectively output.bin and output_compressed.jpg. To further inspect the prediction you can visualize the binary bounding box into the image using

python input_image.ppm output.bin

To check the correctness of the gvsoc/board inference you can use the python script in model_generator/ in inference mode. It will execute the same model (quantized as for the gvsoc inference) and predict the bounding boxes.

Example of usage:

python model_generator/                                        \
      --mode="inference"                                                               \
      --trained_model weights/yolox-QVGA-bayer-BGR.onnx                                \
      --stats_path weights/precalculated_stats_bayer_v2_qvga_trainset_nonpadded.pickle \
      --input_image test_data/input.ppm

CI mode

In CI mode, the script is used to generate the ground truth bounding boxes which are then compared to the one predicted by Gvsoc/board.


Following rusult are obtained using GVSOC inference and are validated on the RGB and BEYER version of COCO val2017 dataset respectively.

Model Input resolution mAP AP@0.5 AR@0.5 Gflops / GMac Parameters (M) Size (MB)
RGB 240x320 0.271 0.54 0.346 0.46 / 0.24 0.9 3,5
BAYER 240x320 0.229 0.46 0.309 0.42 / 0.22 0.9 3,5

GVSOC Inference

RGB model

To run GVSOC inference on default image run the following command:

cd inference_gvsoc_240x320_int
rm -rf build weigths_tensors model.c modelInfos.h
cmake -B build -DMODE=<mode-name>
cd build
make make run -j  

To run GVSOC inference on a different image, replace the image in 'inference_gvsoc_240x320_int/input.ppm' with the desired image. The image should be in .ppm format as described in the table above. Then then rerun the command above.

BAYER model

To run GVSOC inference on default image run the following command:

cd inference_gvsoc_<model input size: 240x320 or 360x480>_bayer
rm -rf build weigths_tensors model.c modelInfos.h
cmake -B build -DMODE=<mode-name>
cd build
make make run -j  

Application MODEs:

DEMO - Run the model in images coming from a camera, compress the images to jpeg and stream them via UART (works ONLY with platform=BOARD). Use the python script to read the UART stream with your PC and display the images with bounding boxes predicted by GAP9.

INFERENCE - Run the model on a single image (specified via Kconfig through the variable CONFIG_IMAGE_REL_PATH) and save the output in a file and visualized bounding boxes on the image. The image must be in .ppm format.

Additional features


Refer to the Yolox repository for traning instructions.

Pytorch Inference

Refer to the Demo

ONNX conversion

Refer to the ONNX


Originaly RGB model was quantized using 1000 random samples from COCO 2017 validation set. The BAYER model however was quantized using COCO 2017 which was converted to synthetic BAYER using the ApproxVision repository. What the repository does in a nutshell is it take a RGB image and convers it to BAYER image. The conversion is done using certain camera intrinsic parameters to reverse all ISP steps and in a way that the output image is as close as possible to the original image.

If one wishes to quantize the RGB model to 8 bit one can run the following command:

python quantization/                                 \
        --path <path to .onnx model>                            \
        --coco_path <path to coco dataset>                      \
        --coco_annotations_path <path to annotations>           \
        --quant_dataset_size <size of the quantization dataset> \
        --input_size <input size of the model>                  \

If one wishes to quantize the BAYER model to 8 bit one can run the following command:

python quantization/                                 \
        --path <path to .onnx model>                            \
        --coco_path <path to coco dataset>                      \
        --coco_annotations_path <path to annotations>           \
        --quant_dataset_size <size of the quantization dataset> \
        --input_size <input size of the model>                  \
        --input_channels 1                                      \

Follwing are the instructions on how to create dumps using GVSOC model.

  1. Firstly you will need to create a folder with preprocessed images from the validation set. The folder should be located in one of the inference_gvsoc_240x320_int or inference_gvsoc_240x320_int_bayer folders, depending on the model you want to validate. In our case it is COCO2017 validations set. The format of the images should be .ppm for RGB and .pgm for BAYER respectively.

In our case we use COCO2017 validation set. If you need to use a different dataset you will need to inherit CostomCOCODataset class located in quantization/ similar to how it is done in GvsocInputGeneratorCOCO class located in quantization/ Then run the following command:

python quantization/ --image_folder <path to folder with images>                 \
                                        --annotations <path to annotations>                         \
                                        --gvsoc_inputs <path to a folder to save inputs>            \
                                        --input_size <input size of the model>                      \
                                        --input_channels <number of input channels>                 \
                                        --model_type <model type for gvsoc validation>              \
  1. Then you will need to create a folder for stroing the dumps inside one of the inference_gvsoc_240x320_int or inference_gvsoc_240x320_int_bayer folders, depending on the model you want to validate.

  2. Finally you will need to run the following command:

cd <folder of the model you want to validate >
./ <input images folder name> <name of the folder for dumps>