Channel3d has been integrated into the CFD-DEM sovler CP3d as a sub-solver.
Channel3d is an efficient second- /fourth-order finite-difference direct numerical simulation (DNS) solver with versatile viscous treatments, also with the ability to handle different boundary conditions:
- Versatile viscous treatments. The viscous term can be handled full implicitly, full explicitly, or partial implicitly
- Have the ability to handle periodic, no-slip and free-slip boundary conditions
- Second-order spatial accuracy in non-periodic directions, and fourth-order scheme is also available for periodic directions
- FFT-based (FFTW used here) method is used for Pressure Poisson Equation (PPE)
- Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method is adopted for Helmholtz equations
- MPI parallelization by means of pencil distributed decomposition, using 2DECOMP&FFT
Z. Gong and X. Fu, A pencil distributed direct numerical simulation solver with versatile treatments for viscous term, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2021;100:141-151,
During developing this solver, I often try my best to make it easy-to-understand and easy-to-use. As for compilation, present solver only has the following two prerequisites:
- Gfortran/Intel Fortran (Supporting Fortran 2003 or higher version)
FFTW-3.3.9 library has been explicitly included in the directory ./src/ThirdParty/fftw/
, but it is strongly recommended to recomplied FFTW-3.3.9 for the first use. After entering the folder Channel3d-master/
in terminal, you can compile the code as follows:
1. chmod a+x ./
2. ./
3. choose the correct compiler you use, and the executable you want to compile, following guidances printed in the terminal
Yon can also compile the interpolateField
code in the folder ./Tool/interpolateField/
by typing:
1. cd ./Tool/interpolateField
2. chmod a+x ./
3. ./
4. choose the correct compiler you use, and the executable you want to compile, following guidances printed in the terminal
5. cd ../..
If the compiling process successfully, the executable file(s) channel2nd
will be appeared in the folder Channe3d-master/
, and interpolateField
will be included in the folder ./Tool/interpolateField/
After compiling the code successfully, you can run the executable file like that:
mpirun -n [np] [exeName] [inputFile]
denotes the number of processors you useexeName
stands for specific executable file name, namelychannel2nd
is the name string for the input parameter file
For instance, if you want to run the lid-driven cavity case, you can type the following words in your terminal:
mpirun -n 4 ./channel2nd ./Input/LidDrivenCavity.prm
The input file examples are stored in the folder ./Input/
. See ./doc/
and ./doc/
for detailed descriptions to the input file for second-order and fourth-order scheme respectively.
See ./doc/Toturial_for_channel_turbulence_4th.pdf
for a complete example to the wall-bounded turbulence at Re_tau =180 using fourth-order scheme, including the postprocessing, and verification.
- Fourth-order scheme options for non-periodic directions
- Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization and GPU acceleration
- Channel3d presented here is a part of my integral project: CP3d, Channnel-Particle 3d, which is still under development, and will be open-source in the coming future. My ultimate aim for CP3d project is to develop an efficient and easy-to-use particle-laden flow solver, including one-way, two-way, and full four-way coupling methods, by combination with Basset history force model, discrete element method (DEM), and immersed boundary method (IBM).
If you have any question, or want to contribute to the code, please don't hesitate to contact me: Zheng Gong (
Following picture shows the transition process from laminar to turbulent flow for open-channel case (Re_tau =180). The top half of the picture presents the normalized streamwise velocity field, and the bottom half shows the isosurface for Q vortex criterion value at Q+ = 1/80, colored by streamwise velocity.