On this website, customers can make an appointment for a dental clinic. and leave an opinion on the service. Users can control their queue and pay for the service on a user's profile page.
On this site you can change the color of the background night or day.
The user has the option to talk to a chatbot if they need help.
Users can look at what service the clinic offers, as well as the location of the clinic and working hours, and look About Clinic.
The doctors can look from a doctor's profile page who needs to come (user's turn) and send a message, advice, and also payment of the service and a photo of teeth after the treatment. In addition, the doctor can look at debts, customers who have not paid for their service.
Admin can control users, delete them or restore the user, delete opinions, add new doctors or block a certain doctor.
server this website (MongoDB = Active) -
server this website (SQL Server = Not Active) -
FrontEnd : ReactJs , UseQuery , Bootstrap , Framer-Motion
BackEnd : NodeJs , Express , SQL Server (Not Active) , MongoDB (Active)
Other : Netlify , Railway