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At first this was just a NEOTOKYO° pub bot, but now it supports all source game servers! 🌌


  1. Embedding INTERLINKED in your website
  2. Setting up the bot in Discord
  3. Discord slash commands
  4. INTERLINKED variables
  5. Hiding your server from INTERLINKED bots
  6. Setting up your own INTERLINKED application
    1. Creating a link
    2. Setting up the config
    3. Running the bot with NodeJS
    4. Making backups
    5. Updating
    6. Logging
    7. Want to embed INTERLINKED in your website?
  7. Command line arguments
  8. Library

Embedding INTERLINKED in your website

If set up, live stats from INTERLINKED bots can be embedded using <iframe> tags (see Want to embed INTERLINKED in your website?).

Add the following code to your website's body to embed INTERLINKED:

<iframe src="one of the INTERLINKED embed URLs from below here"

Currently available embed URLs:

  1. NEOTOKYO° (Official) - - by Gleammer#5946

Setting up the bot in Discord

  1. Invite one of the currently available bots:
  2. Go to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Bots and Apps -> <game name> INTERLINKED.
  3. Set channels and roles for commands that you want to use.
  4. Enjoy! 🍻

Discord slash commands

User commands

  • /help - List all available commands.
  • /update - Get a list of active game servers.
  • /pub - Add ping role for user.
  • /unpub - Remove ping role for user.
  • /get - Get an INTERLINKED variable.

Admin commands

  • /reset - Reset an INTERLINKED variable.
  • /set - Set an INTERLINKED variable for this guild.
  • /subscribe - Subscribe channel to receive automatic updates about active game servers.
  • /unsubscribe - Unsubscribe channel from receiving automatic updates about active game servers.
  • /blacklist - Blacklist a server from the servers list.
  • /unblacklist - Unblacklist a server from the servers list.
  • /server_list - Create a message that will show live info from up to 15 servers.
  • /game_list - Create message(s) that will show info from Undead Games Hub.
  • /player_queue - Show player queue.


  • admin_role - Role that has access to INTERLINKED admin-only commands.
  • max_server_count - Maximum number of servers in the server list.
  • subscribed_channels - Channels subscribed to receive automatic server updates.
  • min_player_count - Minimum player count to trigger suscription feed.
  • subscription_feed_min_rate - Minimum time between two automatic updates.
  • ping_role - Role that that is pinged about active game servers.
  • ping_min_rate - Minimum time between two pings.
  • ping_min_player_count - Minimum player count to trigger ping.
  • blacklist - Blacklisted servers.

Hiding your server from INTERLINKED bots

Starting from v4.0.0, INTERLINKED will never show your server in the list if it is password protected or unreachable. You're safe out there, Hammer mappers!

If you are forwarding your server port outside of your host network for a server without a password but wish to hide your server from the INTERLINKED lists, please put [test] or [nodiscovery] with any case combination into your server name like this: Playing NEOTOKYO° with friends [TesT]. This will cause v4.1.0+ INTERLINKED bots to ignore your server and it will not appear in any lists.

Do note that your server can still be discovered via the steam server list, so if you're worried about being doxxed, just don't port forward!

Setting up your own INTERLINKED application

In case you want to run a bot of your own for a game of your choice, you can!

Make sure to download the latest bot release before proceeding.

1. Creating a link

  1. Go to Discord Developer Portal - My Applications and create a new application. A tutorial can be found here.
  2. Go to URL Generator under OAuth2 and select bot scope with permissions to send messages and to manage roles.
  3. Use the generated URL to invite the bot. 🤖

2. Setting up the config

  1. Make a copy of .config.json named config.json (removing the dot in the beginning).
  2. Specify the steamAppID and gameName of your game in the config.json. You can specify a certain steamGameDir value for some source mods/game modes. Default values are for NEOTOKYO°.
  3. Specify your Discord bot token in discordBotToken in the config.json. You can get it from the bot section of your Discord application.
  4. Specify your Steam API key in steamAPIKey in config.json.
  5. If you wish to use different images, add the links of desired images to activeImageURLs, fridayImageURLs (will only show on fridays, if none are specified then images from activeImageURLs are used) and mapImageURLs (add entries in format "<map name>": "<image url>" (without angle brackets)).
  6. You are ready to run your bot! 🦸

3. Running the bot with NodeJS

  1. Get NodeJS (and npm if you're on linux).
  2. Run npm ci in the root of bot directory to install dependencies.
  3. Run node start_bot.js to run the bot. 🏃

4. Making backups

All bot generated preferences including per-server preferences are saved in usrprefs.json. Make sure to back up this file regularly to avoid data loss.

5. Updating

  1. Download and extract the latest available release.
  2. Run npm ci in the root of bot directory to install dependencies.
  3. Copy your config.json and usrprefs.json from old installation to the newly acquired release.
  4. Enjoy the latest features! ⚡

6. Logging

By default, INTERLINKED is logging to your console.

If you wish to save the log, specify the -s or --save-log argument when running the bot. The log will then be saved to bot.log inside bot's directory.

Log message types:

  • I - Informational message: contains relevant information about what the bot is doing.
  • W - Warning: notifies about something that can cause runtime issues.
  • E - Error: an unresolved runtime error. The bot will keep working, but its behaviour is not guaranteed.
  • F - Fatal error: an error that caused the bot to crash.
  • S - System message: contains relevant information about the bot process.

7. Want to embed INTERLINKED in your website?

Default config for INTERLINKED has enabled support for Discord embed JSON file generation - "outputEmbedJSONPath": "embed.json". This means that every server refresh an embed file will be generated and saved as embed.json in current directory.

Default config for INTERLINKED has enabled support for top server file generation - "outputTopServersHTMLPath": "topserver.html". The HTML is generated every server refresh and saved as topserver.html in current directory.

Command line arguments

  • -h / --help - Display help page.
  • -q / --quiet - Do not log info and warnings into console. The -s option will not be affected.
  • -s / --save-log - Save script log to a file. Default path is bot.log in parent directory, custom path can be specified with -o.
  • -o / --output <filepath> - Specify a custom log output file path instead of bot.log.
  • -r / --restart - Automatically restart the script on crash.
  • --raw - Execute a raw run. The script will ignore all options and its output will not be formatted.


Library exports:

  • InterlinkedServer - An active (>0 players) game server.
  • InterlinkedServerList - Contains a list of active game servers along with total server and player count.
  • InterlinkedGuild - A guild that uses the INTERLINKED bot. Contains guild preferences and methods to operate on them.
  • InterlinkedDiscordJSON - Bot preferences as they are stored in JSON.
  • InterlinkedDiscord - Bot preferences and methods to operate on them. An additional function can be specified to save preferences.
  • Interlinked - Discord bot. Provides start() and stop() methods.

Made with 💜 by Gleammer.