While we use Google Colab during the course we got a lot of request to give some pointers on how to get a similar setup as what we used during the course. So here you go 😄
Getting the same setup across different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) and on different architectures (local machine, HPC server, cloud) can be challenging so we will use Miniconda for most steps here and create isolated environments for each part/day of the course. If you already have Miniconda or Anacaonda set up on your own machine, feel free to use that.
Note that QIIME 2 does not support native Windows, so you will have to use the Windows Subsystems for Linux (WSL) on Windows.
You can skip this step if you already have a working conda setup. Otherwise follow the official installation instructions.
After this open a terminal (Mac and Linux) or a WSL terminal on Windows.
We will install QIIME 2 just as described in the official instructions.
So please follow the Miniconda intructions here.
In short, open a terminal and setup QIIME 2 with the following command where you substitute
with either linux
(Linux or WSL) or osx
(on Mac)
get https://data.qiime2.org/distro/core/qiime2-2021.8-py38-[OS]-conda.yml
conda env create -n qiime2-2021.8 --file qiime2-2021.8-py38-[OS]-conda.yml
rm qiime2-2021.8-py38-[OS]-conda.yml
In the last step, download this repository (button on upper right) or use git, change into the course directory and add the additonal requirements.
git clone https://github.com/gibbons-lab/isb_course_2021
cd isb_course_2021
conda env update -n qiime2-2021.8 -f conda_day1.yml
conda activate qiime2-2021.8
This will add the additional packages to the QIIME 2 environment.
You can now run the course notebook by running.
jupyter lab
and opening 16S.ipynb
in the file selecctor on the left. When you run the notebook
you should skip the full "Setup" section and jump right to the first QIIME 2 comnmand.
You can skip this step if you already have a working conda setup. Otherwise follow the official installation instructions.
After this open a terminal (Mac and Linux) and a WSL terminal or Conda Console on Windows.
In the last step, download this repository (button on upper right) or use git, change into the course directory and add the additonal requirements.
git clone https://github.com/gibbons-lab/isb_course_2021
cd isb_course_2021
conda create -n metabolic_modeling -f conda_day2.yml
conda activate metabolic_modeling
You can now run the course notebook by running.
jupyter lab
and opening models.ipynb
in the file selecctor on the left. When you run the notebook
you may skip the full "Setup" section and jump right to downloading your assembly.
You may want to replace the fake carveME from the course with the real deal to run it on your own data. For this run the commands from this section after the previous steps to substitute the fake carveME with the real one.
To run carveME you will need a CPLEX license which you can obtain by signing up for the IBM Academic Initiative. After you get your login activated go to the software section or search and look for "CPLEX" and download the CPLEX Optimizatin Studio for your platform. When you unzip it or urn the installer it will extract the software in a directory that you choose. You will need to remeber the directory where you extract CPLEX to for the next steps.
In the terminal you opened before change into the directory where you extracted CPLEX.
cd /path/to/extracted/files
conda activate metabolic_modeling
You know it's the right folder when you type ls
and press enter and it shows you several folder
one that is called cplex
. Now run the following to setup cplex and install carveME.
pip install cplex/python/3.8/x86-64_osx
pip install carveme
pip install cplex/python/3.8/x86-64_linux
pip install carveme
pip install cplex/python/3.8/x86-64_win
pip install carveme