It's just An other MIDI Player.
This is a fun project to create a MIDI player for XIV. It's based on the published BMP2.0 libraries and made with the help of the Bards of Light community.
It's using two Ui layouts, the old well known classic BMP and a WinAmp one. The WinAmp Ui is skinnable with the classic WinAmp skins.
For further informations or a quick start, just go to the Wiki page
If you need the compiled version, go to the Releases
The LightAmp can be used with the Hypnotoad to output lyrics and many more.
Copy this url to your Dalamud and search for the hypnotoad
Feel free to use, modify or fork it.
Thank you for your help Ugly Dolls, T'Sync, City-Wok, Meowchestra, Cupcakes & the Strudels, Ori, Nozomi and Debra.