Welcome to this practice! If you reached to this repository by any ways then it's time for some practice Fork this repository to your github account.
So in this practice we want to see some nativePHP, you can use only:
- CSS "Optional"
No JS or JQUERY ..etc
No PHP frameworks
Your task is to build a very simple CMS "Content Management System", the CMS will have the following functionalities:
- Login page
- To add a new post consisted of a subject, body, Keyword(s) and cover image
- To edit the post
- To view all posts
- To view one post with a function of showing 5 youtube videos related to the keyword of the post >> USE YOUTUBE API
- ERD placed in the ERD directory
- Database dump placed in DB directory
- PHP project files placed in App Directory
For any questions regarding the practice open a new issue here
We recommend going through Laracasts PHP practice course before proceeding.
The project is licensed under the GNU GPL V3
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