Android App that uses Retrofit and Jetpack Compose to easily consume a HarryPotter API and display information about characters. The app allows users to browse a list of characters and view detailed information about each one. The app has a clean, intuitive user interface built with Jetpack Compose, making it easy to use and navigate.
- Retrofit2
- Coil
- Compose Navigation
- Hilt Navigation
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Dagger Hilt
- Show a list of characters
- See the details of character
- Search for a specific character by name or house
- Unit Test that checks if API intergration is Working Properly
Base Url | Parameter | Type |
---|---|---| |
characters |
string |
Base Url | Parameter | Type | Description |
---|---|---|---| |
house/:house |
string |
Required. house |
Sample | Description |
master | Dependency injection with Koin |
dagger-hilt | Dependency injection with Dagger-Hilt |
app-startUp | Initializing the app when it starts |
compose | Modern toolkit for building native UI |
Harry Potter does not use a Local database.